Expert advice on first dates, online dating, love, relationships, marriage & divorce
Starting off in a new country can be an unsettling experience, to say the very least! With laws to comply with, bills to pay and friends to make, there’s not much time for finding a soul mate, let alone one from another ethnic background. But if you have some tools in your hands, you can easily get accustomed to the new culture you have been placed in, and finding a soul mate in your new environment will now be within your reach.
You ask yourself: “How can I find love when I don’t know anybody?†Naturally, if you’re single, then the dating scene is something you definitely want to check out. But first you need to stand back and look at the whole picture, and find out what it is that will inspire you to go all the way.
Finding a soul mate from another ethnic background
One of the things that make up that big picture is whether you prefer to mingle with people of similar ethnicity or someone from a background different from yours. Don’t worry about your decision – whatever you decide, you will activate the Law of Attraction for Love in that direction. Leave it to chance to guide you to the right person, and don’t force it.
As far as dating goes, you can also read up on the scene in happening magazines or just by watching people when they’re on a date (not to suggest that you buy a pair of binoculars and a note pad, but you get the idea.) Speak to some of your new and close friends about what your intentions are and let them help you. Go on a speed dating session if you’re in the mood for it. Try asking someone you just met to go out for a cup of coffee with you. Do what you feel is right for you. That’s important.
But there’s a far more important thing to be warned about ‒ take from those observations only what you know to be ‘in sync’ with your own values. You cannot deny your own roots and be happy at the same time.
That said, there’s nothing more fun than learning to get along in a new place. We’ve all done it at some time in our lives; some to a greater degree than others. The Law of Attraction for Love only works when you combine emotion with desire so be happy about what you’re doing. Happiness is one of the most powerful magnets in the world of dating – everyone wants to be around a happy person. Mostly!
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Several adjustments always occur when a couple – let’s call them Bob and Sally – become serious about each other and either move in together or get married. One of these adjustments has to do with their former friends, who are now seriously repositioned because of this new relationship. As Bob and Sally are more preoccupied with one another than they were, they tend to spend less time with their friends. Some friends, feeling slighted, will probably drift away. Others may be banished to the sidelines because either Bob or Sally feels uncomfortable about them.
In my book "A Son Is a Son Till He Gets a Wife: How Toxic Daughters-in-Law Destroy Families," I dealt with the way some narcissistic women uproot their husbands from the husbands’ parents and siblings when they marry. They demand exclusivity of their mates’ time, energy, and affections, and, by hook or by crook, pry the mates away from family members who were once very important to them.
One of the themes I heard over and over again as I interviewed parents who had lost their sons in this manner was that their daughters-in-law had put the kibosh on all their sons’ old relationships, not just the ones with their immediate families.
Some men do the same thing. If they are selfish, they are liable to be jealous of a woman’s girl friends and to begin complaining about this or that quality they have until the woman cuts them off and doesn’t see them any more. On the surface, they usually say that the woman spends so much time with her friends that it cuts into their time – the man’s time – with the woman. What they probably fear, down inside, is that the woman’s friends will influence her to dislike them or find fault with them, which, admittedly, some women do when they don’t like their friends’ partners.
But, in my experience, women are twice as likely as men to want to get rid of their sweethearts’ friends. They are generally more territorial and demanding than men – and maybe more inclined to jealousy – and therefore more prone to nixing old relationships their men enjoyed.
Monica, the daughter-in-law I describe in A Son Is a Son Till He Gets a Wife, began tampering with our son Richard’s freedom the minute they became engaged. Before the engagement, she had intimated that she would move into Richard’s house in his old neighborhood and become part of his circle. But once she had a ring on her finger, she coaxed him into leaving his house, where he had been renting a portion of it to a good friend, and moving into her condo. She bad-mouthed the friend until our son stopped dealing with him and asked him to move out of the house. Later, Monica and Richard would build a house of her choosing and she would wean him more and more away from all his friends.
We attended a Christmas party in the new house before we were cut off entirely from seeing Richard. Only two of his many former friends, out of a dozen who lived in the area, had been invited. One of them said to us, “Richie isn’t the same, is he? I mean, he used to be a lot of fun. Now he never comes around, and he doesn’t go out with us the way he once did. Frankly, he doesn’t really seem to care about us any more.â€
The tragedy of all this, whether it is a woman or a man who cuts off the partner’s old alliances, is that instead of maximizing the person’s socialization opportunities, as a union ought to, it restricts or minimizes it. Having a dear friend ought to double or triple a person’s contacts and exchanges, thus enriching one’s life. But when a significant other forces a partner to close off old relationships and adhere to the S.O. alone, that opportunity is squandered.
In the ideal relationship, one’s sense of life and joy is vastly increased by the new people one can relate to in the significant other’s circle of friends and family. This goes for both men and women. When we don’t take advantage of this possibility, and actually reject it, we only, as the old saying goes, cut off our noses to spite our faces.
What do you do if you’re in a relationship where your partner or spouse tries to turn you against your circle of friends or even demands that you stop seeing them altogether?
I recommend the following steps:
First, try to reason with your significant other. Explain the importance of the socialization process in everyone’s life, and how vital it is for both of you to get to know one another’s friends. Say that you both need some time to become better acquainted with your respective sets of friends, and that time itself will sort out which ones are durable friends and which should be treated as mere passing acquaintances.
Second, if your S.O. is not happy with this, suggest that you see a counselor together and discuss your impasse on this matter. Say that it would help you to see your S.O.’s point of view, and that that is important to you. What you hope, of course, is that your S.O. will also come to understand your point of view, giving you wiggle room to keep your most important friends.
Third, if your S.O. is unwilling to compromise on this essential matter, consider breaking off your relationship. Weigh your S.O.’s argument; there may be some truth in it. Then consider whether this person is worth abandoning your friends for. If so, then perhaps you should do some compromising. If not, it may be time to ask whether you want to spend your life or a significant portion of it kowtowing to someone whose personal demands are unreasonable, selfishly motivated, and psychologically restrictive.
It’s your life. You should make the most of it!
About the author
ANNE KATHRYN KILLINGER has been a concert pianist, a college professor, a Parisian model, and the wife of a widely known clergyman. She has lived in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Nashville, Birmingham, Paris, and Oxford, and now resides near Washington, DC. She also blogs for dating site.
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No change in spouse cheating
The world of the cheating spouse will never change, no matter how the world evolves and changes with the times. Their behavioral patterns are as easy as pie to identify, most probably because it is so terribly predictable. A cheaters of 200 years ago if compared to one today will be like two peas in a pot. These very dumb creatures are super easy to identify in ultimate ways how to tell if a spouse is cheating.
Pay attention to even the slightest of change in sexual patterns or behavior. Sexual requests getting kinkier or sex generally increasing or significantly decreasing should be closely investigated. These changes can be caused by fatigue or an over-active sex life with someone other than you. A guilty conscious can be another cause.
Changes in grooming and appearance
Keep a close eye on changes to the spouse’s appearance and grooming patterns. He or she may bath or shower more often to either get rid of the smell of sex or to get ready for a meeting with the guy or gal. New and sexy outfits are invested in, on a regular basis.
Physical giveaways
Some physical giveaways will even get a blind person thinking. Look-out for lipstick smears on collars or even underwear, the smell of unknown perfume or aftershave on the spouses clothes or car and condoms in the wallet, handbag or cubby hole. Chances are, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck is probably is a duck. Physical evidence should be the last nail in your spouses cheating coffin.
Living in denial
Steer clear from denial or blame, there is absolutely nothing you have done to justify your spouses’ behavior. By living in denial you will just get more hurt by and fall deeper into the situation, this can only be to your detriment. The sooner you tackle the problem head-on, the better your chances of walking out on the other side a much stronger and better person. Separation is the recommended solution instead of trying to patch-up the cracks in the broken relationship. The secret does not only lie in how to tell if a spouse is cheating but rather on how you are going to handle it.
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This article was originally published on Loveawake free dating site and I publish it with the written permission from the author.If you feel that any content posted here is a violation of your copyright, please write to me at and I will take it down. There has been no commercial exchange by Loveawake for the publication of this article.
Sex can be an afflictive affair for some people. How are you activity now as you apprehend this? Regular readers of this newsletter may be thinking, "
Lucy responds, “Well, isn’t female a basic of claimed development?”
I took a second, and again anticipation to myself, “Absolutely! As humans, we can accept to abound and advance sexually, too.” Attending this Tantra branch would be a claimed development class I hadn’t yet experienced. And so, I enrolled in the course!
The Reactions
The accepted acknowledgment if I acquaint bodies about this is one of surprise, followed by curiosity. While the media overwhelms us with animal imagery, absolute and allusive conversations about sex are rare. Last week, my acquaintance Mahima said to me, “Tell me about THAT course.” “Which course?” I questioned. “You know, THAT course…” she replied. “Oh, you beggarly the SEX course?”
Even the chat is difficult to say sometimes. We don’t wish to be embarrassed. While growing up, some cultures accomplished us that sex is dirty, naughty, and bad. Female doesn’t accept to be about raw sex or action per se. It can aswell be about getting in blow with all our needs, including our concrete ones.
Sex can be an afflictive affair for some people. How are you activity now as you apprehend this? Regular readers of this newsletter may be thinking, “Danish consistently goes to the bend in his online writing on empowerment — but SEX? What is traveling on?” Well, maybe it’s accessible to allocution about sex and for the chat to accompany a few adorning insights…
Why Sex?
Lucy Becker (a friend) had asked me afresh to participate in her Tantra Sex Workshop. Lucy is the administrator of the Tantra Centre of Toronto, and has been practicing Tantrica back 1989. I wasn’t in a accord and anticipation I couldn’t account nor administer annihilation from the workshop, so I anesthetized on the advance and didn’t accord it a additional thought.
Months later, Lucy alleged inquiring about commercial in this newsletter. I said, “I don’t advertise. I just allocution about claimed development.”
The Benefits
Lucy’s advance has accomplished me that female is a basal aspect of getting human. Heavy breathing, moaning, and asthmatic are the sounds of attributes and the architecture blocks of pleasure, affiliation and love. In turn, pleasure, affiliation and adulation are architecture blocks to creating a activity that we love. This is a actual altered way of searching at sex, than some of us may be acclimated to.
Lots can be said about Lucy’s course. One of the allowances I got is the adeptness to accord abundant hugs! That’s appropriate — women are cogent me that my hugs are warmer and added abatement than anytime before. They feel my embrace as abating and nourishing. As they enunciate their feelings, a new afterglow seems to appear as women apprehend what is accessible if abutting to others. For me, talking about it has acquired me to be added acute and acquainted of giving acceptable hugs, and getting present to the admiration and ability of adhering addition animal being… Just by talking about it!
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There are many people walking the face of this earth in misery, and they spread their negativity to everyone they meet. You know who I mean! Those excuse makers and haters of positive and upbeat people who they blame for their problems. The excuse makers and projectors of pain and suffering need to begin to look in the mirror and blame the person he or she sees for the problems in their lives.
Life is quite that simple. If you are unhappy, you are to blame, plain and simple. Get off your duff and start to take a look at what you need to change to get back into the human race. Most unhappy people are the most selfish people walking the earth. Happiness does not come from what you can get from others but what you can offer to others to make their lives better.
The politicians use selfish people for their own personal gains because they are projectors of blame along with those in bureaucracies.
I constantly speak of those three virtues of love, respect, and honesty in what I present to others. These virtues speak of service to others along with personal responsibility. Living a life within these constructs will bring happiness and meaning to your life. Misery has no meaning or place in making differences in this lifetime. I am not usually this direct in my messages but I truly believe that more and more people are succumbing to narcissism and self-pity. Your relationships will be empty and meaningless until you begin to give of yourself to others and quit making excuses for your situation in life. Do not let those that need you dependent upon them keep you in this trap and break free to true happiness and independence.
Our world is getting scary because of the masses of people that are blaming others for their life circumstance and are becoming violent to others out of jealousy or dependency upon others. Relationships are becoming more meaningless and less committed because there are too many easy ways out of commitment and responsibility. Take time to reassess your thinking about your circumstances and relationships you possess in your life. Make life simple and give time to give to others. Find that talent you are blessed with and use it to benefit you fellow citizen. You may be surprised how you begin to think and feel about others and yourself!
Author Bio
I am a dating consultant for and a blog contributor. I write my best ideas, advices and tips about relationships, online dating and marriage for blogs and sites such as, and Edublogs. I love sharing meaningful content that educates and inspires people to bring their dreams into reality
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