by on October 23, 2021
“Mis’,” as used by Zabeth and others, was short for “mister.” I was mister because I was a foreigner, someone from the far-off coast, and an English-speaker; and I was mister in order to be distinguished from the other resident foreigners, who were monsieur. That was, of course, before the Big Man came along and made us all citoyens and citoyennes. Which was all right for a while, until the lies he started making us all live made the people confused and frightened, and when a fetish stronger than his was found, made them decide to put an end to it all and go back again to the beginning. อ่านต่อได้ที่>>>โรงเรียนเทศบาลวัดไทรอารีรักษ์ สาระน่ารู้>>>ยาคุม
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