by on October 23, 2021
After the break, we are back in full swing, or so I want to think .This month it's about Pretty Packaging for glasses . I leave you my idea, very easy, but I think it is very funny. It is a box, and I leave the glasses on the outside as if it were a person . And I glued cool papers to it, to make it look more attractive . And it occurred to me as an idea to make a kit for example for a bachelorette party, where to put things for the bride, so that she can use during the party. Or a summer kit, where you can put creams and products to take care of yourself.

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Do you dare to participate? I'll wait for you...

Here you have the rules

they are more or less as always, the only thing that instead of material for the custom packaging for small business, we are going to propose a specific packaging, and you have freedom of interpretation. As always, you can participate with or without a blog, in the blog link to this entry, and in the networks tag me and use the hashtag . We start today and you have until the 11th, the voting opens on the 12th, and on the 13th I announce the winners and the next challenge. As every month I remember that it is about making packaging, and we are not looking to do crafts. You have the Pinterest board of the challenge and the Instagram account @ SM custom packaging , exclusively for the beautiful packaging. I would love for you to share this entry on the networks, because that way more people will know the challenge and participate.
Posted in: business
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