Aria Barnes
by on October 26, 2021

You’ve come up with an app idea, and you’re ready to make it happen. However, the next step in the process—finding someone to build it—can be overwhelming if you don’t know what to look for in an outsourced development company. There are many different things to consider when outsourcing an Android app project, but here are 10 things that you absolutely should know before making your decision about who to hire (and who not to hire).

1) Ask About Their Experience

The last thing you want is an outsourced developer who has no experience with your niche, technology, or language. Ask detailed questions about their experience and expertise. The more they know about you and your project, the better they’ll be able to adapt and work effectively with you.


2) Get Clear on What is Required

It’s easy to get too fixated on a specific deadline, and we end up staying up all night trying (and failing) to meet it. Take your deadlines as goals—not requirements—and plan for success rather than failure. Being flexible about timelines means you will likely complete your project sooner, with fewer headaches along the way.


3) Avoid Being Rigid About Timelines

It’s tempting to dictate when you want your project finished, but don’t be too rigid about timelines. That could unnecessarily restrict your options if circumstances arise—for example if an employee gets sick or there’s an emergency at home. If possible, leave some wiggle room in your contract for changing circumstances. This doesn’t mean you should let yourself be strung along, but it can help if something comes up.


4) Have Them Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

The biggest risk with outsourcing work is that someone else will steal your idea. As soon as you start sharing your project with outside parties, non-disclosure agreements become an absolute must. Getting others to sign NDAs shows that you’re serious about protecting your intellectual property. If they won’t sign one, then don’t work with them.


5) Specify How Long They Should Take to Complete Each Task

The difference between whether a project is completed early or on time often comes down to how much detail you’ve given your developer about what they need to accomplish. Outline everything you expect them to accomplish in detail so they know exactly what you want and how long it should take. This will help you set realistic expectations for yourself and your development team.


6) Explain Your Project Requirements Clearly

If you’re looking for someone to develop your app, it’s essential that you communicate exactly what you want. Your app developers will need all relevant information—details about your target market, the projected cost of development, expected design, and functionality—as well as an estimate of how much time is available. This way, if they come across any challenges along the way (and they will), they can raise them early on.


7) Discuss Testing Standards before Hiring Any Developer

If you're outsourcing app development, you need to ensure that there is good communication between you and your developer. This means having a common language in addition to clear expectations. If your developer doesn't speak your native language well, then consider hiring someone else or working with an interpreter or translation service. Since interpretation can cause confusion or worse, it's not worth trying to get by without it. When misunderstandings do occur, address them immediately. A little investment of time now can save lots of frustration later on down the road.

if you’re planning on storing photos in your app, be sure to hire android app developers who have experience integrating Google Play Services or other photo-storing solutions.


8) Don't Let Language be a Problem

When you're outsourcing, one of your biggest concerns is whether or not your developer knows English well enough. Do they speak and write with perfect fluency? A lot of times it's hard to tell just from reading a single email exchange—so if you can, start working with them by phone as soon as possible.


9) Pay Attention to the Contract Particulars

Make sure you’re working with an individual or team who has already developed at least one app. If they haven’t worked on an app yet, why should you trust them with yours? (Appendix A discusses how to evaluate their past work.)


10) Evaluate Their Past Work History

Asking for a portfolio of their work is often too broad and shows only a small sample of what they’re capable of. Instead, research specific work that you admire and ask if they did it. If they say yes, ask how long it took them and get more information about their workflow so you can replicate it on your own project.



One very useful tip I can give you is to keep your budget in mind at all times. It’s important that you set a budget for each new app development project that you undertake. If your outsourcing company doesn’t respect it and keeps asking for more, simply stop working with them and move on. If they can’t respect your financial boundaries, they won’t respect any of your development needs and will deliver an app with missing features or bugs.

Android app development companies in India want their clients to be happy in their work & both of you win when it happens.

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