Simon Hopes
by on November 1, 2021

Are you starting a new business or perhaps sliding into a leadership role at an existing company? If so, check out this insightful business advice from Brad Chapman from Alliance Building Solutions in San Bernardino County.

Managing or starting a business is far from easy. Whether you work in tech, retail, F&B, or whatever else, you’re going to have to work hard to find success. And ultimately, no person is an army. By cultivating relationships with employees, stakeholders, customers, suppliers, and more, you can increase your chances of success. Brad Chapman from Alliance Building Solutions in San Bernardino County shares insights.

how to make profit

“Before thinking of individual relationships, it’s smart to think about where your company fits in,” Brad Chapman of San Bernardino County says. “This is in terms of the supply chain, your community, and more. If you work for a company, think of the context of your department and its place within the company.”

Understanding the context of your company or department will help you determine which relationships are the most important. If you run a grocery store, for example, your relationships with end consumers and suppliers is vital.

Likewise, if your business supplies goods to grocery stores, relationships with ordering managers, unloading crews, and store managers is vital. Other relationships may be important too, of course. You should take a holistic approach when examining those relationships that impact your business.

“When it comes to relationships in business, the Golden Rule can go a long way,” Brad Chapman from Alliance Building Solutions argues. “Do unto others as you want to be done unto you. If you help people, they’re more likely to help you.”

By helping people you can strengthen relationships. This includes employees, your boss, outside stakeholders, whoever. Many people are more likely to help those who have helped them. And if people know you’re not just about the numbers (say sales revenue), then they may not focus exclusively on numbers when working with you.

Ultimately, humans are social creatures. Nearly any major undertaking requires a team. By forging strong relationships, you can help ensure that the people who work with you have your back and will help you achieve your goals. Just remember to help them achieve their goals as well.

That said, not every relationship will be a positive one. And bad relationships can form a rotten foundation doomed to collapse.

Brad Chapman of Alliance Building Solutions in San Bernardino County Discusses Standing Up For Yourself

Of course, not everyone is grateful for the help they receive. If you find yourself being taken advantage of, it’s often best to stand up for yourself and your interests.

“Confrontation is often unpleasant,” Brad Chapman says, “but sometimes to protect you and your business’s interests, it’s necessary. From time to time, step back and try to think of each relationship objectively. If you think a relationship is unfair, consider running the facts by a neutral party. And if you conclude the relationship is unfair, you should raise your complaints in a professional manner.”

Posted in: business
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