by on March 24, 2023

A coronary angiogram is a simple procedure where the doctor uses X-rays and checks the condition of your heart. If you are facing problems with the blood flow, the doctor might suggest an Angioplasty in Heart. The procedure would help in clarifying the situation of blood circulation to different parts of the body. Apart from that, an angiogram helps in noticing any abnormalities in the blood vessels. This includes fat deposits, blood clots, etc. Let us read on to learn about an Angiogram and why it is performed.

Why does a doctor recommend an Angiogram

The angiogram has the capability to identify severe heart disorders. This includes vascular stenosis, aortic aneurysms, and coronary atherosclerosis. Apart from that, the cardiologist might suggest an angiogram in the following situations.

  • If you are experiencing symptoms of angina, like chest pain
  • In case of pain in areas like the back, chest, neck, arm, jaw, etc.
  • If you have been diagnosed with a congenital heart disease
  • You went through tests like ECG, EEG, exercise stress testing, etc.
  • In case the doctor notices any abnormalities with the heart blood vessels.
  • If you have had any past chest injury
  • An issue with the heart valve that may need surgery
  • In situations of heart attack, stroke, or heart failure

Some other reasons why a doctor would suggest an angiogram are as follows:

  • To check the overall health of blood vessels
  • To see the heart vessels which have a tumor
  • Check the placement of the stent after surgery is completed
  • Create a treatment plan for severe heart disorders like coronary bypass, stenting, etc.

You should find a heart specialist in Hyderabad to find out if you need an angiogram or not.

What is an angiogram, and how is it done?

An angiogram is a procedure done to find out if there are blood flow issues in the heart. Before the procedure is conducted, the doctors advise the patient not to consume any water or food. If the patient has diabetes, the doctor would advise on the insulin dosage. The doctor needs to know about your allergies and previous treatments to advise better.

During the Angioplasty in Heart, the doctor uses Anaesthesia depending on the age and physical health of the patient. He will make an incision and insert a plastic tube called a sheath so that it reaches your artery. Then the catheter would be inserted into the blood vessel through a sheath and then attached to the heart or coronary arteries.

The doctor then injects the dye through the catheter. The colorful dye moves through the blood vessels, and the doctor would be able to see if there are any blockages that require immediate attention.

Summing up

If your heart is facing any issues, you must contact a cardiologist before any major problem arises. In case you are looking for a heart specialist in Hyderabad, Dr. Raghu is your solution. He is associated with the Aster Prime Hospitals and has, by now, helped a considerable number of people with their cardiac issues. You can contact them and get relief from anything that is bothering your heart.

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