Mobulous Technologies
by on May 8, 2024

The emergence of social media apps vying for superiority has significantly improved the public’s reception of mobile apps. This has resulted in increased demand from several big organizations and businesses. 

  • Besides supporting product and service delivery to your customers, you can use a mobile app to boost your ROI and spur growth in your business.
  • With easy access to customer information and instant brand promotion, mobile apps offer extensive support to your business goals.
  • Let’s delve deeper into the meaning and application of mobile app development and how it can transform your enterprise.

What is an Enterprise Mobile Application?

Enterprise mobile apps are software systems that cater to the specific business needs of your organization. The mobile apps must be developed to align with your company’s overall strategy and provide functionality on mobile devices via data virtualization. 

  • The idea is to develop user-friendly, functional software that leverages several complex data types and meets the current security standards.
  • Organizations have started to recognize the influence of enterprise mobile apps on business growth. This is evident in the rapid growth of the enterprise mobile app market.
  • Mobile apps are reliable sources of information and entertainment. Easy access on mobile devices means relevant information is always at the customer’s fingertips. 
  • Enterprise app development can significantly improve the dissemination of information within and outside your organization.
  • The modern business market is characterized by rapid change and innovation.

Your organization must be able to adapt and meet up with the standards of retrieving and sending information. Enterprise mobile apps are the ideal tool for business processes such as direct marketing, customer service, and collaboration/messaging.

To thrive in today’s market, you must consider the applications of enterprise mobile apps to gain an edge over the competition in the foreseeable future.

What are the Types of Enterprise Mobile Applications?

Enterprise mobile apps fall into three main categories:

  • Employee-level Apps

These apps are developed exclusively for internal use by employees. The applications are simple and could have limited features as required. It could serve as a messaging tool that aids collaboration and communication to supplement the work time management techniques applied to boost productivity.

  • Departmental Apps

Departmental mobile apps provide improved functionality for specific departments. For example, an app for the Human Resources department could help improve employee data collection and problem resolution.

  • Company-wide Apps

Company-wide mobile apps boost collaboration between departments in your organization. Employees can communicate comfortably on a private network. This has become even more important as a large percentage of the global workforce now work from home. Team members can share info, documents, and eliminate several unnecessary steps in workflow processes.

Mobile Apps Use Cases for Your Business

There are several options available to you when you decide to go the mobile app route. However, much like using wireframes when designing a website, you need to identify the purpose of the app.

Successful deployment of your enterprise mobile app depends on your approach. You must identify the critical problem the app will resolve and proactively plan its development. Digital solutions like web app testing tools should guide development.

Despite the primary goal of the mobile app being to interact with customers, this might not be the case for all businesses.

Here are some common use cases for the enterprise mobile app that you should consider before initiating development.

  • Task Resolution Apps

Many mobile apps have task resolution included as a basic component. Task resolution apps enable customers to complete tasks and stay updated with your products and services wherever they are. It could be as a remote working tool providing access to customer databases or a shopping app.

  • Loyalty Apps

Mobile apps are excellent tools for fostering loyalty among your customers. Many top brands offer their customers incentives and loyalty programs to reward them for their patronage.

This is a great way to keep customers coming back through your doors. Providing value beyond the ordinary transaction shows the customer that you are committed to their satisfaction. It helps you build meaningful relationships with them. 

  • Entertainment Apps

Not all apps are made for performing tasks. You can keep your audience captivated by creating an entertainment app. You don’t even have to offer incentives outright. 

Brands like Coca-Cola use the Coca-Cola Freestyle app to keep their customers focused on the brand. These apps connect you with your target demographic through a shared passion or activity.

Chatbots and Customer Service Apps 

These apps serve the basic communication function. They connect company software or employees with the customers for troubleshooting and problem-solving purposes.

Customers can easily report issues or receive guidance on your service offerings with these apps. You can also notify them of new deals and brand updates.

  • Content Apps 

Apps provide a reliable platform to share brand content with your audience within a controlled digital space. Your users can access brand images, videos, tutorials, and guides from anywhere.

How Can an Enterprise Mobile Application Improve Your Business?

Your enterprise stands to benefit from developing a mobile app in several ways. The points listed here give you a glimpse into the advantages of mobile app development. These are the seven ways that a mobile app can transform your business:

#1 Improving efficiency

A mobile app can be a useful tool in mapping out your company’s workflow. You can calculate the time it takes to complete specific tasks. You can determine which resources are necessary to achieve milestones such as reducing email bounce rates.

An enterprise mobile app is a crucial data collection tool that can help you gather tons of relevant data to boost service efficiency.

#2 Offering extra value to customers

Building a successful business depends on your customer engagement skills and the experience customers have with your products and service.

This is where the mobile application enters the picture. You can offer customers extra value by giving app subscribers exclusive benefits and rewards. This will help you guarantee repeat business. 

Apps could include bookings, reminders, and payment options to optimize the customer’s experience with your business. 

#3 Promoting your brand

Brand promotion is among the most powerful benefits of mobile app development. It creates awareness and visibility for your business and improves your communication with customers. 

Building a meaningful relationship with your brand can foster customer trust and loyalty.

Enterprise mobile apps improve the customer’s knowledge and perception of your brand. They are more likely to respond to your offers and commit to your business for their future needs.

#4 Creating a direct marketing strategy

Apps can serve several functions including providing information, updates, booking forms, messaging, user accounts, and search features. It can also support business marketing efforts like an email referral program.

Among the most crucial benefits of a mobile app is the ability to reach customers directly with relevant information. You can send promotions and special sales offers straight into their pockets.

Push notifications from your enterprise app facilitate a direct interaction and keeps customers informed about your products and services. 

#5 Outperforming the competition

Many small businesses still neglect the importance of enterprise mobile app development. This offers you a window of opportunity to leapfrog the competition. You could be the first to offer customers the added functionality of a mobile app. It’s a great way to stand out in the crowd.

#6 Boosting sales

It is common knowledge that an increase in sales directly influences business growth. 

The truth is, people who are satisfied with the customer experience your brand provides will come back for more. What’s more, they are more likely to tell others and recommend your services.

Word-of-mouth referrals can boost customer engagement, brand visibility, and sales.

Businesses with high customer engagement tend to experience high customer retention levels and increased revenue. In 2015, Dominoes attributed their 19% increase in sales during a three-month period to their mobile app performance.

#7 Controlling transactions and other payment features

This particularly concerns enterprises and retailers utilizing e-commerce payment systems who are exploring how to increase sales on ebay and other ecommerce platforms.

It makes the transaction process much easier for your customers. Launching an enterprise app can improve your money tracking/management capabilities. You become more aware of transaction deadlines and can use notifications to keep customers informed.

Boost Your Profits with an Enterprise Mobile App

Now that you understand the importance of enterprise mobile app development, the next step is to start your journey to higher profits.

You should consider the option of either hiring an app development vendor or using your in-house team if available. Your choice depends on how much you plan to invest in the strategy. 

No matter the option you end up choosing, it’s a step forward as apps are fast becoming a requirement for modern businesses. Your choice to develop an enterprise app will set the tone for future growth and expansion.

Posted in: software
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