by on November 25, 2024

It is challenging to manage spine issues, and only a spine specialist can provide successful treatment. The QI Spine Center in Delhi is the finest place to go if you live there and are searching for a spine specialist. The QI Spine Center Delhi is the best Spine Center that offers the best treatment for all types of spine problems. The QI Spine Center is known for its best treatment methods that help people recover from spine problems with ease. 

When should you consult with a spine specialist?

People ignore spine problems, and they do not consult with a spine doctor on time, which leads to complications. You must see a spine specialist in Delhi if you have the following symptoms:

  • It is imperative that you see a spine specialist at the QI Spine Center if you have persistent neck or back pain. 


  • If you feel pain in the spine during coughing or sneezing, you should get it properly diagnosed. The spine doctors at the QI Spine Center use advanced diagnostic techniques to diagnose the cause of spine problems.


  • If pain is radiating down to the thighs, knees, and feet, you should visit a Spine specialist. The radiating pain could be due to compression of a nerve.


  • If traditional methods of treatment such as massage, physiotherapy, and over-the-counter pain medications do not work for you, then you must consult a spine doctor.


  • If you feel instability while walking or standing on your feet, then you should visit the QI Spine Center in Delhi and consult with a spine doctor. 

Types of Conditions Treated by Spine Specialists

Types of conditions that are treated by spine specialists include the following:

  • Sprains and strains
  • Chronic back pain
  • Disc herniation
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Fractures
  • Genetic abnormalities
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Scoliosis
  • Neck pain
  • Infections
  • Spinal tumors

How do Spine Doctors Treat Spine Problems?

  • When you visit a Spine Specialist in Delhi, he will perform a physical examination to assess the spine problem. He will also ask you questions about medical history, past surgery, and your daily activities. The spine specialist will also ask for diagnostic tests such as X-rays, CT scans, & MRIs to make a clear diagnosis of the problem.
  • The doctor will determine a treatment plan based on your needs after diagnosing the issue. The doctor may prescribe physical exercises and advise you to make certain lifestyle changes to help manage your spine issue if it is not too severe.
  • The doctor may prescribe you non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to manage pain and reduce inflammation of the spinal tissues. 
  • If your spine problem does not improve with comprehensive methods of treatment, he may advise surgery. 
  • Thus, the treatment depends on the nature and severity of the spine problem. The Spine specialists at the QI Spine Center diagnose the problem and give the best treatment to every patient. 


If you are suffering from any kind of spine problem and looking for the best spine specialist in Delhi, you can visit the QI Spine Center in Delhi. The QI Spine Center in Delhi has a team of experienced and dedicated spine specialists who handle every kind of spine problem with ease and compassion.

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