Kristy Murphy
by on May 28, 2019
JavaScript assignment writing made easy with our expert guidance and flawless tips
According to the data analysis of GitHub and Stack Overflow, JavaScript is the most popular programming language. In fact, the Web Technology Survey’s research tells that 95% of the websites are working on JavaScript technology since it is the programming language recognized by every browser today. JavaScript is the name behind web programming. Node.js has made a huge usage demand in the industry today with companies like LinkedIn shifting over this platform. In all, JavaScript is a must for the students pursuing programming courses and computer science degrees today. This article brings you the top tips and tricks that you can use to level up your JavaScript codes and create flawless academic assignments.
1. Avoid creating global variables
The global variables in JavaScript are associated with the window object and if you do not want to override any values in that object you should definitely avoid creating global variables. Hence, always use the ‘var’ keyword while creating a variable and include your code in functions. You can learn more constructs of JavaScript programming with our JavaScript assignment help.
2. Using the semicolon
The JavaScript parser automatically inserts semicolons if in case you forget to terminate the statements with it. But it is always recommended to practice using semicolons. So next time you are going to edit the assignment make sure you insert all those missing semicolons.
3. Use the Short Circuit Operator (|| and &&)
Why complicate your JavaScript assignment writing process? As the name suggests, the short circuit operator can be used to reduce unnecessary statements and make your code look simpler as well as shorter. Consider this example:
function func(a) {
var one;
if (a) {
one= a;
else {
one= window;
The above code can be reduced as:
function func(a) {
var one = a || window;
4. Use === more often
Do you know that == and != operators perform an automatic type conversion of the variables involved in the expression? So to avoid any automatic type conversion switch to using === and !== operators. Make sure you have used === while you edit the assignment. Check out these examples:
[] == 0 // will give true
[]===0 // will give false
[5]==5 // will give true
[5]===5 // will give false
5. Using the immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE)
The immediately invoked function expressions have a power usage in JavaScript. You can consider this tip as an extension of our first tip in which we suggested you minimize using the global scope.
( function ()
// Code
) ()
The above piece of code is an anonymous function that is being called immediately. When we surround a function either anonymous or named with a pair of parenthesis then the function is considered as a function expression. You must already know that JavaScript has a function-level scope. Hence, any variables declared in this function are accessible inside it only. Thus the code of this function stays meaningless until it is invoked otherwise the other code cannot access it or affect it. You should do more research on the IIFEs.
6. The map() function
The newbie JavaScript programmers generally are unaware of the powerful map() function. Well, this function takes an array and a function and performs that function over the elements of that array. It then returns a new array. Have a look at the following example:
multiplyByTwo = function (element) {
return element *2;
multiple= [11,12,13,14];;
The following code would return the values 22,24,26,28. Isn’t it a good trick? Make sure you use it your next JavaScript academic assignment. You will surely get some good marks.
7. The splice() method
You might always be working with arrays in the JavaScript programming language. The splice() function has a special role in arrays as it can be used to delete an array element according to its index number. Consider this code snippet you will get a better idea of what we are trying to say:
function removeArrayElement( myArray, index) {
myArray.splice(index, 3);
myArray= new Array();
myArray[0] = 'This';
myArray [1]= 'is';
myArray [2]= 'JavaScript;
myArray[3]= 'Program';
myArray [4]= 'Example';
alert(" All the Array elements: "+myArray);
removeArrayElement( myArray, 2);
alert("Array deleting an element: "+myArray);
8. Random numbers in JS
If your assignment is about creating a game in JavaScript then this tip is exclusively for you. The following function will explain how you can generate random numbers in JavaScript:
// to generate a random number from 1 to X
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * X + 1);
9. Redirecting to a webpage
So you want to redirect the user to another web page through your JavaScript code? Here is a simple way to do that:
window.location.href = "";
10. Truncating an array
You can use the length property of an array to truncate its length. Suppose the length of your array is 10 currently and you set it to 4. Then, only the first four values will remain in the array and rest will be truncated. Suppose your array length is 4 and you set it to 10 that is a higher value then, the new item will be initialized with undefined values.
var testArray = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]; // array of size 10
testArray.length = 4; // testArray will be equal to [5, 10, 15, 20].
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