
Hair transplant is the only best procedure to restore hair growth on the scalp where hair follicles are needed to get transplanted. Ahmedabad Hair Transplant offers the best treatment to achieve good permanent hair growth for the people who suffer from severe hair loss. A person should be eligible to undergo the hair transplant with a suitable health condition. Many people think they cannot obtain treatment if they are diabetic patients. But here are the important things to consider the treatment even though they have increased blood sugar levels.

Diabetic patients are definitely eligible to obtain a hair transplant treatment if they meet the criteria and take care of the treatment. In addition to normal procedures, additional efforts must be taken to fulfill the requirements in order to gain a successful result.

Diabetic patients can undergo hair transplant if they maintain their health condition controlled and have the physical ability to accept the treatment. The blood sugar levels must be in the normal range between and after the hair transplantations to make the treatment successful. The patient should take all the precautions to keep this condition, take proper diet, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Persons who have increased sugar levels in their blood and control it through a properly balanced diet are perfectly eligible for taking the operation. Persons who control the levels with medicines also have the possibility.

Blood sugar rate in the patient must be in control for 2,3 days before availing the surgery. If the patient is done with Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), the levels must be kept in normal ranges for twenty days after the surgery. Otherwise, there are the chances of abnormal result for the treatment. In the case of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method, the patient should take care of keeping the sugar levels in the normal range for seven to ten days after the surgery.

Diabetic patients who have Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) usually have risks in undergoing hair transplant procedures. Type 3/a or Type 3/b diabetic patients are generally not allowed to take risks of obtaining hair transplant.

During the hair transplant procedure, a patient may require extra insulin to finish the procedure which continues for nearly eight hours. Hormonal tests are taken prior to the surgery to check the balance of their activity through medication. Due to the hair transplant procedure, the levels of Cortisol and Glucagon will be increased resulting in increased sugar levels and low secretion of insulin.

The patient requires to monitor the blood sugar levels at regular intervals before and during the surgery to decide the longevity of the surgery. In some cases, the hair transplant may be stopped and continued for the following days. Additional Insulin injections can be prescribed according to the patient condition in addition to normal medicines. Colugos injection is given to control the sugar levels during the surgery.

A diabetic patient needs to undergo the same medicines and injections until complete recovery of the operation. The patient should take all the precautions to control the levels from being decreased or increased at post-operation times. Feeling any stress or fear leads to making abnormal sugar levels, so the person must keep away the anxiety.

Select Hair Transplant Ahmedabad Gujarat location for getting a successful result and transform into a new appearance. Diabetic patients are taken immense care in providing the treatment and have good records with effective result.

Posted in: health
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