by on June 19, 2019

Men, who are reading this article, might be wondering that why there is special food for women. This is so because the dietary requirements of both the sexes are different from each other. The nutritional requirements of women are more specific as to keep them energized, focus and more alert. If you are feeling low in energy, then download app and buy generic medicine online India.

Here are some foods that every woman must include in her daily routine.

1. Apple

Apple has quercetin, an antioxidant that boosts the immunity. Include apple in your daily diet, it will help you to build the immunity and fight against infection.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in vitamin C & beta carotene. The body converts beta carotene into Vitamin A that helps to maintain healthy skin, vision and neurological function. Vitamin C provides elasticity to the skin. You must include broccoli in your diet as it helps to fight against wrinkles and your skin looks younger as you age.

3. Lentils

We women are very low in iron, thus leading to a disease Anemia. Due to this, we get tired easily and don’t have the stamina to work for long hours and to concentrate on a particular task. Lentils are the rich source of protein and are also low in calories. Including lentils in your diet will make you energetic.

4. Spinach

This green leafy vegetable is rich in nutrients like calcium, magnesium, Vitamin K and folate. Together, both calcium and magnesium helps in slow breakdown of bone cells, as we grow older. Vitamin K helps in the coagulation of the blood when you get injured. It helps to stop the bleeding during injuries. Folate is a very essential nutrient during your pregnancy as it helps to prevent the birth defects in your child. So, including spinach in your daily diet is an essential part of your lifestyle.

5. Vitamin B12

Along with the other B vitamins, vitamin B12 helps transform the food you eat into energy that your cells can use.It also keeps your body’s nerves and blood cells healthy and helps prevent a type of anemia that can make you weak and tired.

6. Bell peppers

Bell peppers are the richest source of lutein, vitamin C and Zeaxanthin. You must include a bowl of sliced yellow, orange & red bell peppers daily in your routine. It helps to prevent the loss of vision caused due to cataract and AMD (Age related muscular degeneration).

7. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate a rich source of antioxidant uplifts your mood. It results in less formation of cortisol hormone. Cortisol hormone is responsible for increasing the blood pressure, obesity, heart disease and depression. So, when you take dark chocolate then, the stress levels are decreased and you feel happy.

8. Milk

Milk is rich in calcium. Deficiency of calcium in women results in osteoporosis. Taking one- two glass of milk in your diet will reduce the chances of osteoporosis and dreaded symptoms of PMS.

Thus, all these foods are very important for leading a healthy lifestyle. If the weakness and lethargy exists for a longer period of time, then immediately contact doctor and order generic medicine online India.


Posted in: health, Medical, healthcare
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