by on June 20, 2019

If your head is balding gradually, you can understand it better than hair loss or baldness is a nightmare for most of the hair loss patients. Dr. Kapadia says that hair loss is a complex process and we need to invent more effective hair loss treatments for hair loss or male pattern baldness. Dr. Kapadia is considered as The Best Hair Transplant Doctor In India. His thoughts on hair loss treatments are valid because the number of hair loss patients is increasing worldwide.

There are several reasons that remove the hairs from the scalp. Hair loss experts divide the type of hair loss into two main categories called temporary and permanent and both the types are based on the reasons for hair loss. While the reasons are associated with your lifestyle, the hair loss may be temporary and if the nature of baldness is genetic, the hair loss or baldness is called permanent.

Temporary hair loss can be treated with the help of medicines or in many cases, it is healed automatically without any treatment. But in the case of permanent hair loss or male pattern baldness, hair follicles are damaged completely and permanent and satisfactory treatment is required to restore the condition.

Reliable and authentic hair loss experts recommend hair transplant surgery for the treatment.

Hair transplant is a surgical treatment. In this procedure, the surgeon borrows the hairs from the back and sides of the head and transplants the hairs to the recipient area.

The experts are trying to make this process more beneficial by eliminating the disadvantages and enhancing the efficiency of the treatment.

In this process, most of the authentic clinics use mainly two hair transplant techniques called follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. A brief introduction of both is given below:

Follicular Unit Transplant:

In this technique, a strip of skin is removed from the donor site and hairs are harvested from the strip. Then the surgeon transplant all the harvested hairs to the recipient area.

Follicular Unit Extraction:

In this technique, the surgeon removes the hairs one by one directly from the scalp without removing any strip of skin.

As you see, we have some advanced procedure but we still need to improve because of the following reasons.

Why do we need more improved treatments?

The hair transplant techniques described above are effective but a lot of issues are still discussed to make these techniques more effective. One of such issues is scarring on the donor area after removing the hair follicles. The second issue is recovery time and the patients generally talk about pain management as well.  

So, the hair transplant experts are trying to invent a technique that causes no side effects and pain. Recovery time is also a crucial factor to increase the effects of hair transplant techniques. And, the most important part is that the person gets what he wanted. If you want to choose The Best Hair Transplant Doctor In India, you can do it by visiting the Avenues clinic.

Posted in: Health
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