Samurai Raj
by on July 13, 2019

The body hair is a real problem for many women, also for some men, partly because of the social pressure that establishes the total absence of hair, and also because when it is abundant it causes a lot of discomfort

A depilated skin offers many benefits to daily life: greater comfort when you play sports, it helps you to reduce sweating, improves hygiene, which is very practical in summer, etc. Permanent hair removal is the method par excellence to remove annoying body hair, as it saves time and costs in the long term.

But first of all it should be noted that the final hair removal , in the strict sense of the word, does not exist. Rather it is a semi permanent hair removal system because it is always needed a retouch, and hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause) can make the hair grow again as if it had never left.

Permanent hair removal: Laser vs IPL

In order to choose the appropriate method for each one, it is necessary to learn about some issues of each system.

Laser depilation

When opting for this hair removal treatment it is important that it be with diode technology (Soprano, Duet, Alexandrita), for its greater effectiveness and lower risks.

The laser applies monochromatic light, the photons go in the same direction and travel at the same wavelength, making their work in the hair follicle much more specific and punctual, achieving higher temperatures than the IPL.

Definitive laser hair removal is effective only when the hair is in the growth phase, during each session it is possible to eliminate 99.9% of the hairs that are in this stage.

The hair that grows after the first applications is the one that was in the phase of transition or rest, which is why several sessions are needed to achieve a permanent hair reduction.

On the other hand, many current laser hair removal technologies also allow the elimination of light blonde hair, and white hair, without the risk of burns, something that was impossible a few years ago.


Pulsed light (IPL)

The pulsed light IPL (Intensed Pulsed Light) applies pulses of polychromatic light that moves in all directions and is able to act with different wavelengths, which makes it much more versatile than the laser since it can be adapted to the characteristics from each person.

It allows to treat more types of hair with the same device, it acts both in the finite and in the thickest one and it is effective in hairs that go from dark blond to black, but we must make the reservation that it can not remove the color blonde, white or redhead and can not be used on skins that are tanned or dark.

Each shot covers a surface much larger than the laser, being able to eliminate a greater amount of hair which significantly shortens the duration of the session. This feature makes it the most chosen system by men.

It does not cause discomfort, only a slight sensation of heat is felt and a very slight puncture in each shot. It can cause redness in the treated area, which disappears after a few hours.

It is very likely that in the aesthetic where you normally do the treatments do not have the machine in place to offer the treatment when you want to apply it. But many beauticians choose to rent IPL to offer the best possible service to their clients. In any case, it is good that you find out what options they offer in your aesthetics of trust.

Laser or pulsed light: Which one to choose?

There is no decisive answer, it all depends on the type of hair you have and your personal characteristics, as well as the pocket. But let's look at some points that can help you choose:

1. The laser requires fewer sessions than pulsed light and is more effective, but also much more expensive.

2. The IPL offers the advantage that it can be adapted to different types of hair and skin thanks to its variable wave, and although it requires more applications, it has a much lower cost. Even IPL devices can be used at home at your own comfort, you can check this at home laser hair removalat treatment solution by RoseSkinCo. Also, you can check their website for a limited time offer: discount code “ROSE” for $20 off.

3. The laser can be used in summer when the skin is tanned (Soprano laser and Lightsheer) and on not so dark hairs. In contrast, pulsed light does not.

4. The laser does not generate any discomfort while it is applied, and with the light pulsed, slight punctures are felt with each shot.

5. Neither is permanent, both require retouching every so often.

6. Hormonal changes can make your hair come out again, if you plan a pregnancy it is better to have the treatment after having the baby to avoid unnecessary money.



Posted in: Lifestyle
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