Martin Lois
by on July 25, 2019
Go a few years back and see yourself without a degree, Do you fear of being jobless? Do you fear that you will be left behind in the professional competition? Well, now come back in this time and see how many dropouts have been in the list of most successful people in the world. People now don’t want the degrees to be hanging on their walls and no company now wants to hire a person who is not skilled even if they have got the degree. Well, the debate between degree and skills has not ended yet but surely with the rise of service industry one thing has been made clear that you can always count on your skills to have the contemplations on getting into the professional field even without a degree. Here is a list of jobs that can make you able to earn money with just your skills.

1. Designer

One of the most opted jobs in the creative fields and service industry is becoming a designer. These people have the urge to create something that is visually imperative and their love for color, icons and expressing things with graphical representation. Designing could be done with the logo, web designing, and other things.

2. Writing

Writing has always been the purest yet the most creative forms of skills. Writing requires a special thing and with the increase in the important of content, it has become a skill that is highly rated and is paid with higher rewards. We have seen bloggers, articles writers, Wikipedia writers for hire and such other fields being connected with the writing skills and it is one of the options that people with amazing writing skills are opting.

3. Web Development

Although this is one of the careers that is also taught in the degree programs it is one of the things that could be based upon your skills as well. Here you need to have the contemplations on bringing the analytical and technical skills into play. This is one of the most chosen careers in the world in contemporary times. A big thanks to the technological and digitalization for making this happen. These are just a few examples of the skills industry in the current world and I would list these as the top 3 in the world of jobs based on skills.
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