Computer Repair Specialists
by on July 27, 2019
As we move into a digital world we rely more and more on things such as computers, laptops and other devices to store our precious content. Content can come in the form of many different things, such as family photos, business projects, university papers, accounting documents & so on.

I would like to talk today about the importance of backing up your data and how to avoid costly exercises such as having Data Recovery services performed. The tools and tips mentioned in this article require just some basic computer knowledge and a “can do” attitude.

Avoiding Expensive Data Recovery.

In the unfortunate event your Computer or Laptop crashes suddenly and all of your data is lost not only is there no uncertain guarantees that you will get it back but there is also likely to be a rather high price tag attached.

Data Recovery is a very technical process which involves trying to extract any data from the damaged device. This is generally only performed by trained professionals as to not compromise the data further.

By setting up a schedule to make regular backups you can avoid the potential of being in this situation.

Loss of Important Time and Money.

For those who work in a business environment will know that time is money. If you find yourself in the situation where you have not backed up your data and need to have technical data recovery serviced performed this could potentially set you back a matter of days or weeks.

By following one of the below techniques should you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to quickly access another copy of your data you will be able to get back up and running in no time.

Make Regular Copies.

The easiest way for you to back up that precious content and data is to purchase an external hard drive and regularly copy your most recent data across on a regular basis.

Ideally you want to be performing this on a regular basis so in the unfortunate event your computer crashes and your data is lost your most recent copy of your files is not too old.

Syncing to the Cloud.

Another common option among users who backup their data is using a cloud sync system. What this is does is makes an exact copy of your data and places it in the internet for safe keeping.

Whilst this is slightly more technical than performing a simply copy and paste to your external hard drive the security and level of protection is much greater.

There are a range of providers that can be easily found on google that provide easy to use and affordable cloud storage for this exact purpose. Some of the more common providers are Google Drive, Mediafire, Dropbox & One drive just to name a few.

Software Backup Solutions.

The last option I am going to mention today is much more technical than the first too but can really save you a lot of time and money further down the track.

Software Backup Solution is a tool that is installed onto your computer and takes an exact copy of your operating system, files, application preferences and everything else you have configured.

In the unlucky event that you find that your operating system has crashed or your hard drive has become faulty this backup will allow you to restore your system back to its original state once the required computer repairs have been performed.

This is similar to the first option and will require an external hard drive or some other sort of removal storage so you can securely store the backup.

Set Yourself Regular Reminders.

Its very easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and forget to perform the above tasks. The benefits of both the cloud and software-based solutions is that they can be scheduled to run automatically.

If you are opting to go with the first method and want to just copy and paste your newest and greatest files and content then perhaps set yourself a week or fortnightly reminder to perform your backup task.
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