Robert James
by on July 29, 2019
The Internet has become an essential part of our everyday lives. Internet service providers are therefore competing aggressively amongst themselves in a race to impress the masses. With so many options to choose from, it can definitely get confusing when it comes to selecting the right service provider or the appropriate package for yourself. There are a number of factors which need to be addressed before you choose a service provider/package. And this is where we come into the picture. We will help you understand what must be taken into account when you sit down to make a decision in this regard. So here goes a list of factors critical to the process of choice-making as far as the best internet service:

Certain terms you need to be familiar with

Before we delve into particulars pertaining to the quest of finding the best internet service provider, it is necessary we help you familiarize yourself with a few important terms. Let us first take the term “Broadband” that you must have heard repeatedly. It refers to the various types of internet access available that are much faster than your average dial-up connection. Another term you need to be familiar with is “Mbps” – Mbps stands for Megabits per second. A vast majority of people end up confusing this with Megabytes which is something considerably bigger in actuality. Always remember there are 8 bits in a single byte. So a single Megabyte would amount to an internet connection speed of 8 Mbps.

Providers in your area

Now coming to the criteria that will actually help you sort out the available service providers… remember first and foremost, you must be aware of the various service providers who are operating in your area. You can search against your zip code online and check if a particular provider is operating in that vicinity. Major providers like Cox have dedicated pages and if your zip is in their coverage range, you can get access to further details through their Getattonline. Remember zip codes can vary for different areas within a region, so you need to verify if your particular geographical code is covered by a company. Your neighbors and community can also be quite helpful in letting you know regarding the various options available in your area. In fact, you can benefit from their hands-on personal experience, which could be helpful in very real terms. And they can also provide you with an insight on the response time from a customer service team as well as other related things, besides sharing the level of their own satisfaction as customers with a service provider. A quick suggestion would be to give preference to local entities operating in your area, as they would be quick to install and take care of any situation which might occur after the installation. This is particularly important when it comes to the service industry.

Your internet speed preferences

Next, you need to decide about the speed of your internet connection. Speed is usually represented by Mbps which denotes the amount of data that can be transferred per second. Download speed, in general, is significantly stronger than the upload speed. Your decision should be ideally based on the type and amount of data usage you require. General surfing activities require around 1 Mbps of bandwidth, standard video viewing would require around 3-4 Mbps, High definition streaming would require around 7-8 Mbps, and large data downloading might require a connection of 10 Mbps and above. Gaming activities can vary in their data demand starting from a base 4 Mbps connection to up to 8 Mbps and above based on the graphics and data packets.

Evaluating the pros and cons of each service provider

You need to be aware of the pros and cons of the various options offered as well. DSL internet is generally offered by your telephone service providers and tends to be cheaper in comparison to other options. Cable providers also offer internet service and usually use fiber optics in their setups. They have therefore the potential to offer faster and more reliable service, although at the expense of added costs. For data-hungry users, satellite internet offers the best speeds, but that can be quite costly when compared to other services.

Choosing what fits you the best

Last of all… you must choose the option which suits your requirements the best. Go through the various bundles offered by top competitors and see if you need all the services which are included in a package. In a wide number of instances, companies end up selling additional services to their customers which are not even needed in the first place. It might seem like you are getting a great package deal, but there is no point in getting it if you can’t put all the added benefits to use. Also, try looking for promotions on offer by various vendors. For instance, a company might be in the process of starting fiber-optic service in your area and to increase their customer base, as often happens, they may be offering promotional packages. Availing such packages could be helpful to your pocket while also meeting your needs. With local services, you always have the option of negotiating with the vendor too, and if you are persistent and have been loyal enough, they may just end up offering you special rates quite beneficial to you. We hope this guide would be of assistance to you in landing the perfect internet service for your household. Effort and knowledge always pay off in the long run so be sure to do a certain amount of homework on the internet service providers in your vicinity.
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