Shalini Panchal
by on August 5, 2019
Swift 5 came in the mobile app industry with ABI stability to make the development simpler and better for Mobile app developer. It came in the industry with many delightful features to surprise developers with numerous bright changes. After Objective C, swift was originally the second language for mobile apps in the Apple ecosystem. But, Swift is more popular just because it is open source and the best backend language for web services. It can be also used in a variety of platforms like Linux and many more.

These Are Effective Features in Swift 5.0 Programming Language for iOS App Development.

1) ABI stability

ABI stands for Application Binary Interface. It is the binary equivalent of API which enables binary compatibility between the mobile application and libraries compiled with several swift versions. The iOS app developers mostly use many API of libraries to write code for your mobile app. As an example, the developers can use the UI kit framework which provides API for user interfaces like buttons, controllers, and labels.

Using ABI, you can download and install your app without downloading the code of the mobile app. You don’t require to download code separately when you are using ABI. Most of those codes are already present on your iOS device, its framework and libraries. Your app will use binary code which is already present in your devices. Using this methodology, you can make your future app smaller and easier to build.

2) Integer Multiples With “isMultiple(of:)”

In mobile app development, the developer used a lot of use cases while practical programming. Among them, one is for checking number which is divisible by another number or not. Again it requires to check whether it is an even or odd number and the further step is to use remainder operator %. But when Swift 5 brings isMultiple(of:) function this problem is fixed. This function will allow you to check whether given integer number is a multiple of another number or not. It helps to improve readability of the code and discoverable by the auto-completion of Xcode.

3) The Result Type And Count With “count(where)”

Swift arrives with a new type called result for iOS mobile app development. This type will work with two states of passed result namely success and failure and due to its highest popularity, it is mostly used in the swift standard library. Using this Type, you can leverage the power of enumerations and it will help you to write more meaningful code. You might be already aware with collection functions like map(_:), reduce(_:) and filter(_:). These function have few drawbacks such as, it can make the code too effusive and wasteful. Hence, if you only want to do counting then firstly you need to apply filter with this ‘count(where:)’ function. This function will enable you to filter and count in one function quickly.

4) Additional Language and Compiler Updates

Swift 5 comes with particularly enforcement by defaults and allows you to access memory for both debug and release builds. Now, it can also support dynamic callable types and help to improve interoperability with programming language like python, Ruby and JavaScript. Additionally, Swift provides Identity key path, and other proposals as a result of Swift Evolution process.

5) Package Manager Updates

Swift has a very important feature including Swift Package Manager. It includes settings of target-specific build, customized deployment targets, and dependency mirroring. Moreover, you can import libraries in a REPL using a run command of Swift. However, the new version of Swift has improved readability with lightweight syntax and powerful type interface. If you want to develop any iOS Application using swift then you can consult any iOS development company.
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