by on August 26, 2019
Erectile Dysfunction is generally known as impotence or inability to keep an erection for a longer time to keep an erection. The condition of Erectile Dysfunction has variably increased in recent years. Varied years of research has been done over the years and many erectile dysfunction treatments have been found.

The very first thing one must do is to consult a doctor and get him acknowledged about your condition. He would then recommend you varied other remedial measures which can be adopted in order to control the widespread of the condition causing ED.The various know treatment as used by doctors has been mentioned below.

Oral Medication

The medication in general utilized for treating Erectile Dysfunction comprises of nitric oxide which helps in maintaining the erection for longer time. These tablets need to be taken once in 24 hours or as directed by a medico. The prominent medicines available in the market are:

1. Viagra 100 mg tablet
2. Cialis 60 mg Tablets
3. Levitra 60 mg Tablets
4. Lovegra

These medicines can show their effects right from 15 minutes to an hour and can have their lasting effect from a couple of hours to 4 hours. These medicines are available for men as well as for women. These medicines vary in dosages as per severity of ED. These medicines involve various minor side-effects and need to be taken with proper consultation only.

One should always avoid including any other type of medicine, as they may leave unprepared side-effects while in the search of an appropriate erectile dysfunction treatment.

Penis Pumps, surgery and implants

If medication is insufficient to provide sufficient satisfactory results, then various other methods can also be adopted.These methods involve utilizing artificial means to cure Erectile Dysfunction.

#1: Penis pumps

This pump needs to be used just before the moment of intercourse. The doctor would recommend the optimum model as per your need. These pumps might lead some bruises on your penis but sufficient to have complete intercourse. These pumps are one of the most efficient erectile dysfunction treatment to the patients who have blocked penis.

#2: Surgery

The surgery option is also involved in curing Erectile Dysfunction. Through surgery, you can cure completely the issue by adopting various manipulations in the tissues.

#3: Penile implants

This option involves, using artificial material and devices to control the erection. These methods have been utilized by various people and received positive feedback.


Recent studies have done various scientists have proved that rapid exercises have shown positive results in curing Erectile Dysfunction.

The exercises involving moderate to rapid exercise have shown benefits in curing ED. A regular strenuous and hyper exercise can enhance your blood in the lower abdominal area.

This technique is one of the most efficient erectile dysfunction treatment to cure ED without any side-effects. In order to obtain maximum benefit, consult your doctor regarding the optimum exercise plan.

Psychological counseling

Stress, anxiety, and depression can also be a possible reason leading to long term Erectile Dysfunction. A relieve in tension causing reasons can bring considerable impact on Erectile Dysfunction. A visit to doctor or counselor can cure the ED without any significance dent upon your pocket.

Alternative medicines

There have been various other natural as well as artificial medicines prevalent in the market to cure ED.

These medicines must be used only after consulting your doctor as it may give un-presented side effects. Any medicine utilized must be FDA approved, in order to adhere to its validity.

One must always avoid using roadside quacks to cure ED. These drugs might comprise of harmful ingredient which may have undesirable effects upon the body.

The bottom line

Erectile Dysfunction can heckle thing but if targeted very specifically through erectile dysfunction treatment it may bring magnificent improvements. Various treatments have been available, so one can choose one that suits him better.

It is always wise to consult a doctor regarding the severity of ED as he can recommend you the best of all options available and the one that would bring maximum benefit.

Posted in: health
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