by on August 31, 2019
Buying a mattress is not that easy if you don’t know a few certain things. We have seen many people look for a mattress end up nothing. To start with a lucid mattress we need to give you an overview of lucid mattress review.Therefore you can get to know what things to consider and things to not consider. So let’s talk about the pinpoints and give you the exact ideas on our topic below: Things to consider before buying a lucid mattress 1. Firmness: The firmness of a mattress is the first and foremost thing that needs to think about. If you are not well recognized with your firmness adjustment then take a breath and wait a while. After getting know the proper firmness whether it is medium or plush then find out your mattress based on that. If you get the mattress within proper mattress then you have done the maximum job. On the flip side, if you didn’t confirm then you have lose the game.

2. Types of Material: Normally Lucid mattress comes with natural materials with 100% organic cotton, wool or bamboo extracts. However, still, you need to judge on this. Suppose the organic material wool and cotton would be the same but the source won’t be same. The wool and cotton that hutched from the USA continents won’t be the same as the Newzealand.

Does the Lucid mattress always remain with natural substances? Not always, exactly. We have seen the mattress to infuse the synthetic blend with the natural material to some extent. Thus, it is called a blend lucid mattress. The ration comes with 7: 3 which means 70% is natural and the rest of it is synthetic.

On the other hand, bamboo extract is a new thing to consider instead of cotton. Bamboo is a cheaper option comparing to the cotton, therefore, one can easily get a luxurious mattress within a reasonable deal.

3. Types of manufacturing: There are two types of the manufacturing process of a mattress, and they are Dunlop and Talalay process. This process is merely the same with one another however, a bit differences have. What they are? The Dunlop processed mattress is a bit bouncy and when you will press against the mattress using your hands you will find more feedback. On the flip side, with the Talalay process, you won’t see the same feedback rather it is less bouncy and has a plush feeling.

4. Gel Foam mattress: Not all lucid mattress comes with the gel foam experience. Obviously, the gel foam mattress has many things to do. First off, if you see the gel foam mattress, you will find more air controlling with the spring suspension. The tiny holes have more things to do with the help of gel foam. The user will feel more air supply and thus he will feel cooler a bit more where the feature is not available.

5. Free trial: After all the stuff, in the final segment you need to know whether the brand is going to give you a free trial or not. A free trial is a must to check out the ultimate comfort in regards to the firmness. If you don’t judge the firmness then this option will let you relax as you are going to have at least 100 nights free trial.

Posted in: Lifestyle
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