David Smith
by on September 2, 2019

Flowers are one of the most beautiful presents of nature which adorn the environment and beautify even the simplest of presents. There is a special relationship between women and flowers as they enhance the delicate beauty of females and their elegance is complemented by the elegant fragrance of the flowers.

Everyone knows that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. However, the way to a woman’s heart is through gifts and attention. Men often send flowers as a sign of admiration for a woman. So, it has become a tradition: to give flowers to a woman means to express your own sympathy and affection for her.

If we turn to biblical motives, we will see that Adam and Eve lived in the garden, where there were many different outlandish flowers, fruits, and other plants. So, God punished Adam and Eve, he destroyed everything beautiful in the garden, devastated him. Eve on Earth missed the birds of paradise, she was sad, she remembered the flowers, their beauty, and charm. On Earth then there was nothing but rocks and deserts, Adam could not see how his beloved was suffering. Then the man, in order to please her, went in search of flowers. He wanted to find at least one single flower that would return Eve a sense of joy. The desperate Adam after such a failure fell to his knees and cried, his tears soaked the earth, and from that place, flowers grew and immediately blossomed.

Of course, this option will become real for those who believe in the Bible, the story is more like a beautiful fairy tale. But I must say that the climate changed very much, the first people on Earth, according to scientists, were on the verge of life and death due to such disasters. But when the tribe moved from one cold habitat to another more pleasant, then it saw in warm places that riot of nature, which was not before. So, in people there was a hope for something better, joyful, they saw flowers, their beauty, which is unwittingly associated with the appearance of a woman.

In the world there are still many versions of the origin of the tradition of giving women flowers, probably literally every nation or country has its own. Nevertheless, after many centuries, this beautiful ceremony does not lose its relevance.

When a man gives a bouquet of flowers, it can mean a lot. It all depends on the relationship. If a man and a woman met for the first time, then most likely the man is trying to get the woman's favor. If a pair has established a long-term relationship, then, presenting a bouquet to his lover, the man once again proves that he loves her and is fascinated by her. A man recognizes his love and affection for a woman, he seems to say "My heart belongs to you."

Flowers are a weakness of many women, especially if a beloved man presents them as a gift. Do you need to send flowers to Bulgaria? Visit for more info!

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