Becky Lean
by on September 11, 2019

Your Epson printer may be printing blank pages due to several reasons.

Epson printers are high-in-demand devices world-wide. The company has large number global home and business customers. Your printer’s printhead may have been clogged due to which it would stop supplying color ink to prints. In many cases, the prints may come out incomplete, or with streaked lines. Such issues may also occur due to clogged nozzle. There are possible solutions available for most Epson printer issues on the Internet. Some of these issues are common in printers, which could be also consulted with Epson Printer Technical Support team. Their online experts also have some advance tool that diagnose printer issues in no time.

Common causes of clogging

When nozzles get blocked by air or ink cause printhead clogging.

  1. If you have been ignoring the low-ink warning over and over, on the contrary draining the ink-cartridges despite getting the warnings and do not stop printing until prints starts getting blurry.
  2. When printer left unused for many weeks– leaving printers unused for weeks dries the ink in nozzle, wherein the user must reboot the printer at least once in 2 weeks that helps the ink running without clogging through nozzle.
  3. Did not use printer in months- it is very much obvious when your printer will print blank pages when started after months. This will dry up the ink cartridge in the nozzle. When you cannot use printer for months due to any reasons, then prefer buying laser printers because they do not dry out.

Moreover, consult with Epson Printer Customer Support executives regarding this type of issues. In fewer cases, the problem in Epson printers may also occur due to hardware faults, wherein you could obtain free repair or replacement when your device is yet covered under warranty.

Posted in: Technology
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