Moni Kaur
by on September 20, 2019


Flaxseed, or linseed, these little ponders originate from the flax plant and contain lingams (substances that are valuable for the heart and avert against certain diseases).

There are many health benefits of flaxseed as they are an inexhaustible vegetative wellspring of Omega-3 unsaturated fats which, thus, are significant for the wellbeing of our heart, mind, veins and invulnerable framework. Additionally, flax seeds contain adequate amounts of minerals, for example, calcium and dietary fixings, for example, fiber.

What time is best for consuming Flaxseed?

If we eat flax seeds before food it will make us feel less hungry and thus not letting us eat it. This flax seed must be eaten after food.

You can have 2 full tablespoons per day that's about 20 grams. Have 1 tsp this on empty stomach every morning along with luke warm lemon water.And can have 1 in the evening.

What are the different ways to consume flaxseed?

Flax seeds can be eaten in both the forms that are raw or roasted. But flax seeds must be roasted on the low flam to keep the nutrients intact. Both the forms are full of benefits and eating it every day keeps many diseases away.

-> Ways to add flaxseed with food:

- Flax seeds can be blended with yogurt:

few measures of flax seeds or ground flaxseeds can be sprinkled into yogurt hence making it a protein-pressed bowl of yogurt as it is valuable for muscles building.

- Blended with breadcrumbs to coat chicken or other sustenance things:

flax seeds have a nutty flavor which gives stunning flavor and it is sound and heavenly. Flax seeds likewise shield from malignant growth, supports resistance and keeps the body sound.

- Flax seeds servings of mixed greens, plunges, and sandwiches can be made:

A little mash of flax seeds can be included into plates of mixed greens plunges, soups, french toast and sandwiches making nourishment delectable and giving it a charming crunch. Including flaxseed, in you day by day diet fends off you from numerous ailments.

- Healthy pumpkin bread:

Adding flax seeds into pumpkin bread is again an awesome substitute for eating it and remaining solid.

Some other forms

1. Flaxseed Powder

- Take ½-1 teaspoon Flaxseed powder.

- Add 1 glass of warm water.

- Have it after lunch and dinner

2. Flaxseed oil capsule

- Take 1-2 Flaxseed oil capsule.

- Swallow with water after taking food.

3. Flaxseed oil

- Take 1-2 teaspoon Flaxseed oil.

- Mix with hot water or milk.

- Have it at night before sleeping.

4. Flaxseed

A. For weight loss

You can have 2–3 teaspoon of roasted Flaxseeds as pre-meal snacks.

Or, you can add Flaxseed powder to your smoothies or salads.

B. For Cold and Cough

Soak 1-2 teaspoon of Flaxseeds overnight in a glassful of water.

Squeeze ½ lemon to it and drink empty stomach the next morning.

Use this remedy to get rid of cold, cough, flu, and sore throat.

C. For Better Digestion

Eat raw or light roasted Flaxseeds 1-2 teaspoon or as per your requirement.

Take them preferably after meals and chew properly for better digestion.

5. Flaxseed Tea

Take 1 cup of water in a pan and bring it to boil.

Add 1 cup of milk and 1 teaspoon of tea to it and boil on the medium flame for 4-5 mins.

Also, add 1 teaspoon of Flaxseed powder to it.

Enjoy the refreshing tea with the goodness of Flaxseeds.

You can also add a pinch while rolling roti, sprinkle on fruits, salad or add to your delicious smoothie too. These tiny seeds helps to improve your digestion and give you clear skin.

Posted in: health
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