Stacy Keibler
by on September 24, 2019
The Kindness is a wonderful gift that people give to each other. That is the moral standard, the necessary rule in how to treat people. Someone has said that being kind to live is like downy to a field of grass, fresh and pure; such as fragrant flowers, beautiful flowers dedicated to humans, peace, and serenity. Indeed, kindness makes life more beautiful and more human.
The kindness in love is that there is love
Not loving crazy, living in a hurry, breaking up fast: Zen masters recommend that when you love you also need to practice meditation, which means love slowly, learn carefully, not crazy, hurry, defy everything and then realize the other's weak side immediately ran away as quickly as it arrived. Or should not often mention the mistakes, difficulties, and weaknesses of the beloved but let both sides have a suitable time to adjust and integrate.
There are no unreasonable expectations: because of some old ideas, many parents force their children to follow their careers or spouses ask their spouses to sacrifice for their own personal development without time to take care of them and develop themselves, it's time to grow and then despise and abandon them. In order not to have unreasonable expectations, please sincerely openly share the advantages and difficulties of life.
Do not use tactics, punish or show victims to loved ones: in the communication between parents, children, or lovers, there are times when the two sides fail to achieve the wishes, should not be so angry. , punish or complain to the victim because such attitudes are easy to cause feelings, tiredness, depression, disregard, and despair.
Heterogeneous love with attachment: Despite intense love, everyone needs freedom, needs to think for themselves, discover and decide their own lives. There are times when people's fascination is so weak, if they want to take ownership of their lives into their own hands, then we should refuse. The pinnacle of love is respect for the person we love and understand that we are only a contributor, we cannot share in our lives because love is self-awareness, self-control, and self-awareness. must be forced.
Without using money, beauty buys out love as trade and then uses your lover the way you want. Do not use your property, your children, your career to tie in love or marriage. By a child, property or success can only hold the body but not the soul, the willingness or the joy. Love is not an obligation, endure, endure, obey. In the warm, quiet surroundings, they endured the silence so that they would not react violently but then when the energy ran out, they would struggle or walk away.
Kindness in love is also kindness?
Understand yourself and the person you love: Everyone needs to love you and own yourself before you can share the love with others. Everyone has to admit what he wants and needs from the person he loves. Besides, we also need to understand what our loved ones want and what they need from us to share and help each other to overcome life's difficulties.
To show love by sharing: Love is to help those who are less miserable, by being present, the ability to listen to their sufferings, to help them overcome difficulties and develop dreams. ambition. However, the help must be voluntary, joyful, warm, insistent and binding so that both sides feel respectful, and not feel abused or shackled.
Able to give love: A person who has just been afflicted with a woman, is unable to love because he has completely collapsed, no longer has enough positive energy to exchange love. A person who has just gone bankrupt may not be able to share financial responsibilities. Therefore, in order to be able to give love, we should be healthy and strong both physically, physically and mentally.
Changing oneself to make the loved one less miserable: "Or leaning towards life to see through a love" means that when love, we have to sacrifice, join, engage, sometimes have to lower the ego to lift pick him up, help his love and change to get along well with him. Of course, each person has a life, each person has to take care of his or her own life problems but sometimes his beloved person is too exhausted, needs his help and support for a moment, a complete refund. scenes and we are there to give love and help.
Give a loving smile when meeting somebody or seeing someone first time( Life is not just fun. Life then will encounter such troublesome things or that. When you cry because you do not have slippers to wear, you will find that there are people without legs. There are many things that think will be good, keep in the long-time may cause disease. And if you play with life lovers, you will feel happier. Because when you are with happy and energetic people, you will have no reason to be bored. So every day should give yourself a period of time to smile, 5 minutes a day, then gradually it will become a very natural thing, a habit of giving a smile.
Overcoming Self-Love: Loving self-respect is different from self-love. Because narcissism is about indulging yourself, putting your ego above everything. Therefore, in order to be kind in love, we need to avoid giving ourselves the best and the other doesn't know anything. Avoid trying to do things to satisfy your greed, pride, and pride but in the name of love, avoid forcing your loved one to fulfill his or her dreams. we are selfish, stubborn, avoiding deliberately making children or loved people depend on us, fighting for the right to make decisions of our children or our spouses. When narcissism reaches a level of control, that love is actually selfish, and can easily wilt.
After all, the kindness shown by the kindness and morality in the love you have for the person you love such as your parents, children, lovers, spouses, relationships can lead to happiness or There is no better result for yourself and the person you love is still the winner and never has the feeling of regret. Because of the course of life, a good person everywhere will bring peace and happiness for himself and everyone, no matter where you go, there will always be someone who loves and needs you.
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