by on September 26, 2019
In this Internet world, where we all have witnessed a paradigm shift from traditional marketing practices to modern marketing techniques, your business needs to adopt SEO practices if you want to withstand the rising competition.
Before we get started, let me throw light on the perception revolving around a business website-
· Your website is the first point of contact that you make with your prospect customers.
· Your website is more than just a buying-selling place.
· Consider this question - With so many similar options available to your customer in your niche, why should they select you out of all other competitors? What value are you offering?
To be able to withstand the competition in your niche and get the attention of your prospective customers, you require an effective digital marketing strategy in place. One of the main components of digital marketing is SEO, i.e. Search Engine Optimization, that comprises of various factors that one needs to incorporate into their website for achieving better search engine rankings.
With this in mind, here are the main reasons why your website needs SEO-
1. Organic Search:
While paid search is an easy way to promote your business on the search engine, the website that receives maximum organic search is regarded higher in the Google search results pages. It is one of the main indicators of the search engine because your website is receiving organic traffic.
By creating relevant and quality content, your website will get more clicks and will automatically rank higher as time passes, all this with no need for the paid type of search engine marketing.
2. Trust & Credibility:
SEO helps your website build trust by establishing a beautiful website with a clean and fluid user experience that is easily visible on the search results.
There are many factors involved in improving the trust and credibility of the website like-
· Quality backlink profiles
· Positive user behavior
· Optimized on-page and off-page content
However, establishing trust requries a lot of patience, effort, and commitment. Once you acquire trust of the users and the search engine, your website authority and visibility will start to improve.
3. User Experience:
Gone are the days when the others were forced to zoom-in and out, and do awkward horizontal scrolling for reading the content displayed on the web. Today's customer is a smart customer and they know what they are looking for.
If they visit your website (on desktop or mobile phone), they expect to find what they are looking for within seconds, and if they are unable to do so, they will surely leave your website as quickly as possible. You wouldn't want that as this will in turn increase your bounce rate.
Therefore, as an important factor of SEO, user experience requires a website to provide the information they are seeking in few clicks, no horizontal scrolling, quickly and easily.
4. Local Traffic:
With high penetration in the mobile market, the number of local searches has increased manifolds. Because of this, local search has become an integral part of small and medium businesses' success.
By focusing on local SEO, your business can increase its local brand awarensss, and both online and offline traffic. With the help of local SEO, you can help your target customers to find you quickly and easily, putting them one step closer to conversion.
Optimizing your local SEO includes optimizing your site's content, business details, and backlinks in such a way that they are specific to towns, cities, regions, and even states.
For improving your local SEO, you should have your information listed on Google My Business Listing, you should have your social media profiles, and you should be listed on Q&A sites like Quora, Reddit etc.
5. The Buying Cycle:
One of the biggest advantages from a buyer's perspective is that they can do their thorough research on a product or service before they make their final decision regarding purchasing it. With the help of an effective SEO strategy, you can convey the information regarding your offerings to the customers.
This can be initiated by being visible in the places where people go and search for the product/service. By creating good content around your product and displaying it everywhere the consumer searches for it (search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, social media platforms, review websites etc.), you can surely grab the attention of your customers and influence their buying decisions.
6. The Environment of the Web:
The environment of the worldwide web changes every now and then, therefore it can be rather hard to always stay updated with the changes.
But, by staying on top of your SEO game, you can always stay updated with the major changes to the web and search.
7. Less costlier and more affordable:
Of course, SEO demands investment, but it is comparatively cheaper to the traditional methods of marketing, and investing in a good SEO strategy will significantly help your brand in raising awareness and more conversions.
8. Longetivity of results:
If executed properly, SEO will give you noticeable results within a year, and many of those results will go on to last for several years. The more time, effort, and money is invested in implementing an SEO strategy, the better and longer the website will be able to perform in the search engine and withstand the competition.
If your business does not have an effective SEO strategy in place, considering the ongoing competition in every niche, it will become very difficult for your website to rank on the first page of the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs). Remember, if you are not appearing on page one of the SERPs, you are not winning any click.
Implementing a strong SEO strategy is not a one time process, instead, it is a continuous process that requires a lot of time, effort and a professional perspective. Therefore, it is highly recommended to hire a professional digital marketing company that provides smart SEO services.
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