John Dugan
by on October 15, 2019
Ladies, hopefully the man or me n in your life is everything you want him to be – considerate, kind, attentive, intelligent, sensual, and good in bed. But even the near-perfect mate (because let’s face it, nobody’s really perfect) may have some aspects which are a bit of a mystery to you. For example, no matter how willing (and indeed eager) a man may be to share his manhood with you, there are things about his manhood which you may still not quite understand or know about. With that in mind, the following male organ facts are presented, to help ladies know about their man’s little (or not so little) best friend.
Basic male organ facts
• Average size has been exaggerated. For many years, the average tumescent male member size was said to be six inches. However, a recent study (one of the few such studies which was well designed and therefore is more likely to be closer to accurate) found that the average tumescent member is actually just shy of 5.2 inches. The vast majority of men have a tool that measures between 4 and 6 inches.
• He starts (and started) early. Most men wake up with morning wood, which is to say that when they arise to greet the day, their manhood has already risen. That’s because the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for tumescences, and it is much more active during the night. In addition, male hormone levels impact tumescences, and male hormone goes up o while a man sleeps. Interestingly enough, those tumescences precede his entry into the world; science has shown that male babies get tumescences while still in the womb. (To some ladies, that will come as no surprise whatsoever.)
• It can’t be technically broken. Despite guys calling a tumescence a boner, there actually are no bones in the member –and so technically a guy cannot “break” his member. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be injured. While tumescent, the manhood can undergo a boneless fracture, which is often accompanied by a popping sound, if it slams against something or is slammed into something. This causes male organ tissue known as the tunica albuginea to tear.
• It’s not just one tube. Although the member looks like one tube (or, to some, a hose), it is actually made up on the interior of three tubes. Two of them are called the corpus cavernosum and one in between these two is called corpus spongiosum.
• Many are insecure about their friend. Even many men who are perfectly well endowed and who are quite good in bed may still feel insecure about the size, shape, looks, functionality, or general appeal of their manhood. A little praise from the ladies can be helpful for these men; even some guys who are full of macho swagger may deep down be using that to mask worries they have about their manhood.
• Obese men may see their member “shrink.” When a man gains weight, at a certain point the “pad” that surrounds his mahood can become fat as well – and that fat may “swallow up” the base of his member, making his member (or that which is still visible) shorter. Women with chubby lovers whose health would be improved if they lost weight might use the fact that a thinner man means a longer manhood to inspire them.
Ladies, one more of our male organ facts deserves note: men need to work on male organ health just as they do other health issues. One thing they can do is apply a first class male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) regularly. The best oils will contain both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid which helps increase blood flow to the manhood when required. The latter has neuroprotective qualities which can aid in maintaining proper member sensitivity through the years.
Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.
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