Lynda Arbon
by on November 1, 2019

Stepping into motherhood is undoubtedly the most special occasion in any woman’s life. However, it is also true that pregnancy can turn out to be quite stressful for some women. It is a time when they are taken over by extreme mood swings and hunger along with excess strain.

Bodily Changes with Pregnancy

The pangs of hunger and moody disposition may lead to excess eating which gets stored as layers of fats in your body. Added to that, there are also the changes that your body undergoes during pregnancy and which can’t be avoided.

All this ultimately shows up at all the wrong places post-delivery. What adds to the problem is that these fats accumulate in the most visible areas of your body such as the tummy, the arms, and the thighs.

Such transformations leave an indelible impact on the morale of a woman, and that’s when some of them even slip into depression.

It’s here that we need to answer a pivotal question and that’s how to get back in shape post delivering the baby.

First Things First - Do Not Lose Hope

You may have seen many celebrity mommies sporting their pregnant bellies and getting back to shape almost immediately after! Well, that may not be realistically possible for all. For one thing, celebrities are assisted in their journey by an entire crew ranging from nannies to look after the children, to personal fitness trainers and private gyms.

In their bid to become slim, they are also seen to be following some strict diet plans which need expert supervision and is thus recommended for the others.

But just because you cannot become fab in such a short time, doesn’t mean you should give up hope. Yes, there are many ways which will help you to steadily reach your fitness goals without having to follow crazy diet plans or exercise 24 x 7.

If you are searching for answers, then your search ends with this post. Let’s look at some simple hacks that can bring you back to your pre-pregnancy body shape.

Tips to get back to shape

It is understood that taking care of a child and all the added responsibilities leave a mother with very little time to look after her own body. For that here is a curation of tips taken straight from experts that will help you to fit into your favorite clothes in no time

  • Get On Your Toes

The body already undergoes a lot of stress in bearing the child. So one should start with mild exercise if you move directly to heavy physical exercising after that it may not be possible for your body to sustain it. In fact, heavy exercises straight after pregnancy can even lead to bleeding and will prevent you from healing.  For this, it becomes essential to get started at a slow pace.

The best exercise that you can take up, to begin with, is walking. A slow and steady paced walk often yields you more benefits than you can get from lifting weights or other forms of heavy exercise. Added to that, walking also helps in dealing with other problems such as postpartum depression and stress.

However, it is absolutely necessary to choose a pair of comfortable shoes that evenly distributes the weight of your body. In case of complicated pregnancies and C-sections, it is also important to wait for the doctor’s nod of approval before you begin waking.

  • Get your fair share of rest

It is often seen that mothers of newborn babies, have to remain active 24*7. It is almost impossible to get rest at night as there are constant demands such as that of feeding, changing the diapers and soothing the baby. While babies grab their share of rest any time of the day, for the mommies it is not always possible.

As a result, most of the new mothers are extremely sleep deprived and their entire sleep pattern gets upset. Without the lack of proper rest and sleep, even their metabolism begins to dysfunction resulting in greater problems when it comes to losing weight.

  • Improve your metabolism

The first requirement for weight loss is to get your metabolism corrected at the earliest. For this, the first step is of course to grab your share of proper rest and sleep. Divide the responsibilities with your partner or ask someone else to take care of the child so that you may rest without any disturbance at least for a few hours.

  • Elective Surgery

Even after spending a substantial amount of time in exercising and eating right, if you are still struggling to get into shape, then an elective surgery can turn out to be a viable option. With surgeries like mommy makeover, you can gain your desired shape in a matter of simply a few hours.

In this process, the doctors make an incision through which they remove all the extra layers of skin, leaving you with the body you had been craving for. Experienced doctors also make sure it is done with such precision that it leaves you with none of those tell-tale surgery marks.

However, even after undergoing the surgery you may regain weight if you do not follow a proper exercise regime and do not stick to the right kind of diet. Stressing over your body weight may not be the right thing to do as stress becomes a decisive factor when it comes to losing weight.   

Final thoughts

Motherhood is an ethereal experience and so is the joy of getting back to shape. So keep yourself happy. Drink adequate amounts of water along with proper food. Take up simple physical exercises, let your body follow its natural course, and you will surely achieve that svelte form in no time!

Posted in: Lifestyle
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