Patricia D. Beck
by on November 12, 2019
It is safe to say that women's hair loss cases are far less than those which occur in men. Although there are relatively fewer instances of baldness for women, studies indicate that one out of four women has chances of excessive hair loss. The rare occurrence of female hair loss is attributed to several properties that affect possible causes and visibility of baldness. Even if there are several symptoms of hair loss that appear on women, they can easily think of ways to cover the balding area. The hair loss causes for women are less severe as compared to those which happen on men. In most occasions, women's hair loss tends to spread evenly on the different areas of the head. This enables women to easily conceal visible hair loss spots. Most Common Causes of Hair Loss for Women There are numerous reasons why female hair loss problems continue to troublesome women. As a matter of fact, about 40 percent of the total hair loss cases in the United States are attributed to women. Yet even if there are many hair loss cases for women, baldness is still mainly related to men. Women hair loss can either be temporary or permanent. Temporary hair loss may occur as side effects of other illnesses or severe conditions of the body. You can easily recover from temporary hair loss once you regain your health, as compared to the permanent type which has chances that it cannot be cured. There are three major causes of hair loss symptoms for women. Based on several studies conducted by experts and authors at popular hair care websites like TheBarbr, there is a certain pattern for female baldness. This pattern is attributed to hormones that are normally present on men. Some women experience androgenetic alopecia, a body’s reaction to male hormones present on the body. This condition is related to the conversion of the testosterone hormones into more active dihydrotestosterone or DHT. The presence of DHT may not have direct effects on women as compared to men yet, it is still one of the major causes of women's hair loss. Traumatic experiences may also lead to female hair loss. Telogen effluvium, or the thinning of hair as a result of severe stress-related situations, can cause significant interference in the natural growth of hair. One prime example of a traumatic event that may cause hair loss is during pregnancy. The pain and stress women experience during pregnancy can initiate major changes in the hair growth cycle. The medical condition identified as Alopecia can cause some hair growth abnormalities in women. This is often caused by imbalances on the hormones that the adrenal and thyroid glands provide. Specifically, Alopecia areata appears on the head as hair loss patches, or sometimes spread throughout different parts of the body. This condition is mainly related to immune system deficiencies. Most of the Alopecia areata cases are temporary in which new hair eventually grows on the patched areas of the body. Yet, there are some reports that there are still some women hair loss conditions that may be more severe and last for a very long time. Effective Women Hair Loss Treatment When it comes to avoiding hair loss, prevention is still better than cure. There are several things that you may want to minimize in order to prevent any more damage to your hair. The first thing to do is to limit your exposure to chemicals such as chlorine and avoid hair exposure to heat. Some beauty practices such as curling and blow-drying can cause significant damage to the hair. Applying coloring mixtures to the hair may also cause breakage to the hair, especially when multiple users are applied within a day. Avoid using hair products that contain alcohol since alcohol can cause dryness to your hair. Women who frequently experience excessive hair fall when brushing their hair should immediately seek the doctor’s advice. Women's hair loss treatment is necessary to avoid any further damage to the hair. The doctor may prescribe the use of hair supplements such as conditioners and pills in order to stimulate your hair. A women hair loss treatment may be planned by visiting clinics that offer naturopathy and aromatherapy. A normal women hair loss treatment lasts up three to four months depending upon the severity of the hair loss. There are also laser treatments that may help stimulate your hair cells. You may also want to try growing your hair back the natural way. Herbal remedies that contain olive oil, palmetto, rosemary, nettles and sage can help you bring back the lost hair. There are also active drugs which are commonly prescribed by doctors for severed balding situation. Minoxidil can help promote hair growth. Combination of this drug with food supplements that stimulate the creation of new hair cells will effectively help you recover from hair loss. The most important way of treating women hair loss is by consulting a doctor. Getting the proper diagnosis will enable you to determine the most efficient way to cure women hair loss problems at the same time not causing further damage to your hair.
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