by on November 18, 2019
There is a strong correlation between erectile dysfunction and depression. Several studies by medical experts and psychologists have confirmed that relations are chronic and age related. These two issues feed and support each other. Depression can be the cause behind erectile dysfunction and at the same time a man may get into depression because of erectile dysfunction. Together erectile dysfunction and depression have a negative impact on the quality of life of affected person. First this combination affects sexual aspect of life, and then gradually personal and professional aspect of life.

Depression and Erectile Dysfunction Feed Each Other

Infrequent difficulty in developing a hard erection is not considered erectile dysfunction issue by the medical experts.It is the persistence of erectile issue for a longer time than normal that is considered erectile dysfunction. The problem can come in any age, but its chances of occurrence increase with age. Erectile dysfunction is considered a health problem, as it affects the sexual health of a man. It is a highly prevalent issue in society. It gets linked with the depression, as it gives rise to depression and vice versa. It is not necessary that only an aged person is going through depression due to erectile dysfunction. Increasingly the cases of younger men in depression are coming for counseling sessions. It is found that a man with erectile dysfunction will be more susceptible to depression than any other man. The man with depression also runs away from treatments of erectile dysfunction. It is possible that a person without erectile dysfunction can slip into depression. In this case, the sexual life of the person automatically gets affected. The persons with depression also report low libido and lack of interest in sex. Eventually may suffer from impotency. A male with erectile dysfunction but without depression is willing to try treatment methods to cure the erectile issue. However the male with depression and erectile dysfunction do not show eagerness to go for treatment of erectile dysfunction. The importance of the study and their results has assumed importance in the recent years due to increased focus on the subject of erectile dysfunction. The age related issues are coming under comprehensive study as advanced societies age. The studies have experts medical and non- medical to deal with various age related issues including the link between erectile dysfunction and depression.

Diagnose and Treatment

Diagnose consists of physical examination and a few questions by counselors. The treatment consists of talk therapy, counseling sessions with psychologist. Generally the treatment is non medical. But for erectile dysfunction, both long term and short term solutions are available. The males, who are in depression only due to erectile dysfunction, can easily come out of depression with restoration of their normal sexual activity.

Positive Conclusion from The Experts

Several studies have confirmed that with the restoration of sexual life, the quality of life of a person improves. It also improves the quality of life of female partner and enhances the overall joy of life. It is not necessary that only a particular treatment method will bring the positive change. Studies and experiments by medical experts support the view that positivity in sexual life comes regardless of the treatment method. One of the best ED treatment methods available is use of medicines.

ED medication improves quality of life of couples

Erectile dysfunction drugs are the best method to overcome erectile dysfunction. The ED medication helps a man in any age to overcome the erectile dysfunction of any degree within 60 minutes. The erectile dysfunction medication is oral medicine that is swallowed with water whenever an affected man wants to spend time with partner. Branded and generic medicines come in varying doses to overcome soft to hard erectile dysfunction in young and old men. Viagra (Sildenafil 200mg), Levitra 10 mg (Vardenafil) are popular erectile dysfunction drugs that a man can used without any inhibition to restore the sexual life. Consultations with a doctor are needed to understand the dose required.It is also necessary to mention all medicines a male may be taking for depression. The erectile dysfunction tends to react strongly with the other medicines. With erectile dysfunction medications, a male of any age can overcome erectile dysfunction in 60 minutes.
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