by on December 2, 2019

These antigens are tumor 1.0ml cryo tube and absent on most normal adult cells.??Efforts have been made to introduce defined TAs into mouse tumor cell lines in order to have reproducible models to study. For many of these TAs, the peptide sequence displayed in MHC-I molecules is known, and specific CTL lines that kill the tumor cells expressing these TAs have been produced.

Therefore, we propose to study the antigen-specific PDT-induced anti-tumor immune response in a more clinically relevant setting by employing two naturally occurring cancer antigens: the mouse MAGE-type P1A antigen, the best described unmutated mouse cancer/testis tumor antigen that has been identified [81,97,98], and the E7 antigen associated with human papilloma virus-induced cervical cancer [99]. Our laboratory was the first to recognize the role of TAs in the anti-tumor immune response after PDT.. To further elucidate the necessity of CD4+ T cells for PDT-induced immunity, they reconstituted SCID mice with only CD8+ cells and next inoculated them with EMT/6 tumors.Mroz et al.The growth of tumors and these observations were also confirmed in mice lacking CD40, a CD4+ T cell costimulatory molecule necessary for interaction with DCs.

The molecular identity of a number of these TAs has been well defined, both in mouse and human tumors [80]. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 November 1. They are also shared because they are present on many tumors of several histological types; Differentiation antigens of the melanocytic lineage, which are present on most melanomas but also on normal melanocytes [86?8]; Antigens that result from tumor-specific mutations in genes, which are expressed in all tissues [89?3]. The TAs defined to date broadly belong to three major groups: ?Antigens encoded by cancer-testis genes of the melanoma antigen (MAGE)-type expressed in various tumors but not in normal tissues such as the mouse gene P1A and human genes of the MAGE, B melanoma antigen (BAGE) and G antigen (GAGE) families [81?6].

However successful this approach may be in the laboratory, the artifcial TAs are not clinically applicable and it would be preferable to study naturally occurring TAs.The tumor growth control after PDT was not significantly different compared with wild-type mice. If they are present in normal tissues they are usually expressed in the immune-privileged sites like the testes and therefore are not exposed to the host immune system. We showed that a vascular PDT regimen was able to produce 100 long-termExpert Rev Clin Immunol

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