John Dugan
by on December 26, 2019
Male organ problems are no bueno. Member dysfunction, early on release, priapism, and member fractures are just a few of the issues a member can have. Many times, these male organ problems can indicate underlying issues, like physical and mental health conditions. Thankfully, once a man knows how to improve his genital health, he and his member can prevent many male organ problems from happening. Here’s a basic primer on male organ problems and how to improve manhood health.
What sort of things affect genital health?
There are tons of things that can affect how a member functions and cause male organ problems. Here are ten of the most common:
• Partner transmitted infections which include things such as gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia (which is making a comeback), and genital herpes
• Genital fracture or injury
• Member dysfunction
• Priapism
• Yeast infection
• Phimosis
• Paraphimosis
• Release problems, including early on release, painful release, retrograde release, delayed release, and the inability to peak
• Genital cancer
• Peyronie's disease
Are their risk factors that make a man more prone to male organ problems?
Various risk factors can affect genital health — some modifiable and some not. For example:
• Getting older (sorry, nothing a man can do about this one)
• Heart disease, diabetes, and related conditions.
• Obesity
• Smoking
• Alcoholism
• Hormone levels, especially androgen deficiency
• Certain medications like sleep medicines, blood pressure medication, and antidepressants.
• Prostate cancer treatment and medication
• Depression, anxiety, severe stress, low self-esteem, or other mental health issues
• Unprotected relations, risky sensual liaisons, and relations with many partners
• Neurological conditions like dementia, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord and back injuries
• Member piercings
When should a man see his doctor?
Sometimes a man shouldn’t just “walk it off” when it comes to a genital concern. Here are some things that definitely warrant a trip to the doctor’s office:
• A sudden change in sensual interest or desire
• Excessive pain after genital trauma or injury
• Bleeding during urination or release
• A fiery feeling when you pee
• A drastically bent member or curvature that triggers pain or obstructs sensual activity
• Discharge from the member
• Changes in release
• Rash, bumps, warts, or lesions on the member or in the genital area
How to Improve Manhood Health and Avoid Male Organ Problems
There are many things a man can do to get and keep his genital healthy. Most of them are easy to incorporate and contribute to whole-body health. Consider adding some or all of these tips to keep Mr. Happy, happy.
• Kick the Habit. It’s time to quit smoking. It shrinks blood vessels and deteriorates genital tissue. And, it’s plain ol’ bad for a man’s health.
• Practice Moderation with Alcohol. Whiskey member aside, too much to drink can put down a man’s peen. For men under 65, limit it to two drinks. Gentlemen over 65 should stop at one.
• Get vaccinated. Men who are under 26 should really consider getting the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to defend against cancers that are associated with the disease.
• Wrap It Up or Put a Ring on It (Kinda). Either get into a monogamous relationship or be sure to put a jimmy on your Johnson. Practice consensual, safe relations.
• Watch your Waist. Being at a healthy weight can lower the risk of having medical issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and member dysfunction.
• Bone Up on Your Medications. Talk to your doc about what a medication does and potential side effects it can have.
• Work It Out. Regular physical activity can reduce a man’s risk of member dysfunction. Sweat sessions don’t have to be insane but aim to break a sweat and up your heart rate a bit. Also, throw in some strength training.
• Mental Health Matters! Check-in with yourself from time to time, and if you experience anxiety, too much stress, depression, or any other mental issues, head to a qualified psychiatrist, doctor, or therapist for help.
• Practice Good Hygiene. This is pretty basic. Clean your junk. Do it well and be thorough. Use warm water, mild soap, and get every wrinkle and ripple. Rinse well and air or pat dry. To finish things off, massage a specially formulated genital health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to protect and nourish the member. Not only will it make a man’s member soft and supple, but it will also help boost blood flow and ward off bacteria.
Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.
Posted in: Health, fitness
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