Sid Roth
by on December 28, 2019
Sid: I have a guest that I believe prophetically is as much a One New Man as I’ve been proclaiming for the last few years. His name is Renny McLean; I caught up with him in a hotel room in Chicago, Illinois, but he’s based in Dallas, Texas. Renny is a real One New Man. And I say that because his mother is Jewish and his father is Jamaican and after all Paul said “Jesus came to break down the middle wall of separation between Jew and Gentile.” But Renny you really are a One New Man!

Renny: (Laughing) I’ve never heard it put that way before but yes that’s true I am.

Sid: And the thing Mishpochah that intrigues me about Renny is he had from a very young age encounters with the Lord; encounters with the invisible world. And he has an insight into something that I’ve been praying for and that I taste but I have not walked into the degree that I want to. And I can tell you from a selfish personal viewpoint I’ve been looking forward to this interview with Renny because he has an understanding of the invisible world that we must. And not just Renny and not just me but you, all of us, that are and you wouldn’t be listening to me if you were not pushing for greater intimacy with God. I’ve been labeling this just because I didn’t have another label but maybe it’s the right one knowing, K-N-O-W-I-N-G, faith; where you know things that are going …that have already happened as a matter of fact because there’s no time in eternity and you just act like an actor on a stage. You hear from God what has already happened in eternity and you just act it out and there isn’t any guess work you don’t have say “Are you healed?” You’ve already seen it happen in the spirit realm. You see the type of faith you would be walking in; that is a higher level than what most people call faith. And Renny has experienced it he’s walked in it. As a matter of fact just to whet their appetite tell me about those deaf people Renny.

Renny: Oh, my goodness you mean, oh you mean the ones that had no ear drums. Yeah well let me give you something, let me explain the whole thing. It was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; it was 60 that was healed in one night but the miracle of it half of them had no ear drums and they were growing eardrums as they were coming down to testify. So God does those things that’s no question.

Sid: Why wasn’t I there with my television crew Renny?

Renny: I wish you were there Sid. (Laughing)

Sid: I wish that there were a few doctors there too! (Laughing)

Renny: I’m telling you I really do wish they were I mean we’ve had doctors in our meetings sit down and say “If we didn’t believe in God we believe in God now;” we’ve had doctors say it.

Sid: Now of course we hear that accent you were born in England.

Renny: Yes Sir I was born in London, England where the Queen lives God bless her.

Sid: My goodness, what a combination Jamaican, Jewish, and British.

Renny: (Laughing) Yeah, it’s scary.

Sid: My goodness but let the Mishpochah understand a little bit about you. I’m going to take you back to age 7 tell us what happened.

Renny: When I was 7 years of age I had an encounter with Yeshua; I was praying like most children would pray. I was raised in a very unusual household in that my mother had already had an experience with Yeshua; she too had had a supernatural experience and was saved actually before I was physically born.

Sid: I’m a curious type guy could you just very briefly tell me what happened to your Jewish mom.

Renny: Oh yes, my mother met the Lord through visions; she met the Lord through the visions. I’ll tell you what’s so interesting I’ll never forget one day somebody was witnessing to her who was not born again who was not of the House of Israel and she was witnessing to my mother and they said to her “You know it’s the Lord that’s really looked after you all of these years and blessed your life and made the crooked path straight for you.” And then in the middle of the lady witnessing to my mother my mother saw Jesus literally physically appear in the room. And when He appeared my mother fell to her knees and she cried out His Name. You have to remember my Mother was raised in a Jewish household and she cried out His Name and she got saved; born again literally and filled with the Spirit the same moment in time. And so my family in general my family are born again they all had; those who were Jews on my mother’s side they all had super-natural encounters with Yeshua.

Sid: So it’s not an accident when the scriptures say “The Jew requires a sign.”

Renny: Oh, 100% because I can tell you they didn’t believe; I mean Sid I know that you know that this as well or better than anyone I know would know this. Most of us who are Jews if the truth be told we believe in a historical God; but as far as the present movings and manifestations of the Living God now that’s almost hard to grasp. I mean it makes a lot of sense why it’s hard to grasp because you really have to have a revelation of faith.

NOTE:Read more Books By Sid Roth .

Sid: You know Renny here’s the sad thing; this is not true for all Orthodox Jews but I went to a traditional Jewish Synagogue for many years and many many of the influential Jews in the synagogue from the pulpit area on down were just really agnostics at best; they had a love for the tradition. A love for the culture, a love for being Jewish, a love for the fellowship of other Jews but knowing God was and believing the scriptures are really from God they considered almost a fantasy.

Renny: Oh, 100% that’s actually you summed it up with real accuracy because that’s been my personal experience. So when my family had basic all of my family that born again they all had encounters with the Lord; so I guess what happened to me wasn’t strange to them. What happened to me was in the middle of praying I was about to go to my bed and then when I went into my bedroom to go to bed all of a sudden the supernatural light of God’s glory came in my room. Out of the light the face of the man Christ Jesus appeared; I saw his whole body torso stand before me. He stood before me and looked about 6′ tall and beside Him were two angelic beings, and nothing but love came out of His eyes. And He looked to me and said “Be not afraid, be not afraid.” He said to me “I’m here to reveal Myself to you.” And when the Lord began to reveal Himself to me He said “I’m going to show you who you are; I’m going to show You what I’m going to use you to do.” And as soon as He said that the four walls in my room fell out and I was not in my bed I was standing before the throne of God. The Lord said to me “I want you to watch and I want you to see.” And the Lord He just spoke and He said “I’m going to send you to the world.” And when He said “The world” it was in a booming voice and it shook every fiber of my being. This voiceprint was in my spirit when He spoke it and it was like it went whoosh. When He spoke the world a globe came straight out of Him and stood before Him. And He said “You will go to the world,” and then He said to me “I want you to watch.” And it was like the Lord flung stars over the nations I was to go to; and He said to me “Take these as signs.” He said “Every place I go I will lead you” and He said “I will guide you.” And He said “You will bring the manifest My name to the nations with signs, wonders and miracles and you will bring the revelation of My faith and My glory to your generation.” That was now 37 years ago.

Sid: But Renny how does a 7 year old handle that type of a visitation?”

Renny: Well with all, because I can remember even as you’re saying it I can feel it like it’s going to happen again. What happened to me Sid was this, when you’re a child and you read the Bible and you’ve not had life’s experiences and you’ve not had certain hardships it’s very easy for you to be naive. People would say naive but I would honestly say “Innocent” because a child really and truly is innocent. And I think that’s why Yeshua used the expression childlike faith because a child when it comes to believe incredible things could easily grasp that more than an adult. And I’d have to honestly say I did not have any pre-tradition; I didn’t have enough tradition in me to make me question what I experienced because what I encountered the Lord and what He really came and manifested Himself to me my life was changed forever.

Sid: Would you say that the points you’re just making which are so important; I’m asked all the time “Sid Roth why do I hear about these people in Africa and in Russia and in India that they have such miracles and they’re the same people in the US and they don’t have the miracles. It’s in the US we are so cerebral and we have lost our innocence.

Renny: Oh is that is so prophetic that’s true because I’ll tell you something Sid you know what God just spoke to me as you just said it to me; I’ll tell you what He just said to me because in the west we eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We eat from the tree of reason; our own reason. The Bible says “Lean not to your own understanding.” And it’s in the western world there is two things that I would say why we have this over here. Number one I’d say it’s because of the first reason I would say this “In Africa and in Asia they already believe in the spirit realm so you don’t have to convince them about the spirit realm they already believe in it.” But just when we go there and we preach Jesus to them and they see the real thing they believe it. But over in the western world we do not believe in the spirit realm, it’s played about with; people just toy around with it but as far as step into it the church really doesn’t step into it.

Sid: Renny hold that thought.
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Topics: sid roth
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