John Morgan
by on December 31, 2019

When bruxism becomes a serious problem, it leads to frequent and severe headaches, jaw disorders, enhanced tooth sensitivity, and damaged teeth. Therefore, taking the symptoms seriously is something that you must do in order to prevent this condition from becoming a threat to your overall health. Let’s take a closer look at it.

Why am I grinding the teeth?

sleep apnea, which is a sleep disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly, is known to cause teeth grinding. As a result, your jaw will be sore and tender, and you will start having headaches every time you wake up. Some more serious consequences are fracturing, loosening, or losing teeth.

What are the symptoms of bruxism?

All things considered, here is what you might experience that can later indicate that you are dealing with bruxism:
  • Flattened, chipped, fractured or loose teeth
  • Worn out tooth enamel, exposed dentin
  • Loud grinding of the teeth that wakes up your sleep partner
  • Enhanced tooth sensitivity or tooth pain
  • A tired or locked jaw that doesn’t function normally
  • Sore neck, or face
  • Pain similar to an earache
  • Temple pain
  • Disrupted sleep
  • What to do to stop teeth grinding?

    If it is sleep bruxism, then your dentist will give you a mouth guard for you to wear during sleep, which will help you prevent teeth grinding.

    Bruxism can be intensified if particular things continue to be part of a person’s life. As mentioned before, stress is the number 1 causer. However, anger and frustration are also potent factors that make the person clench their teeth. Moreover, age plays a significant role in the appearance of bruxism. As a condition, it is very common in young children, but as a habit, it goes away in adult life.

    Also, people who take antidepressants or smoke tobacco, drink caffeinated drinks and use recreational drugs are most likely to develop this condition, and in their cases, it will be seriously unpleasant.

    Teeth grinding is a serious medical condition that must be taken care of. You should immediately set up an appointment with the dentists so that they can see how severe the developed bruxism is and instruct you further. If not treated right away, teeth grinding will lead to serious health problems, including constant headaches, problems with the proper functioning of the jaws, and it will damage the teeth.

    Posted in: Dental

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