John Dugan
by on January 8, 2020
No matter how many similarities he may share with another person, every person is unique, and it is that variety that adds spice to life in many instances. But sometimes a person isn’t comfortable with every single one of the things that add up to make him unique. It may be a physical attribute or a personality quirk or any one of many other things – including a sensual proclivity that might be considered outside the norm. For example, a man might have a foot fascination and experience negative feelings about this – despite the fact that a foot fascination is a rather common occurrence. (One source indicates that as many as 14% of people have a sensual fascination with feet.) Although there are many sensual tips about the foot fascination, many men need help accepting this part of their life. Fortunately, a foot fascination has minimal risks where male organ health is concerned – but that doesn’t necessarily make acceptance easier.
Sensual tips to help accept it
The first step to acceptance of this aspect of one’s life concerns understanding one’s foot fascination. There is no more shame in being sensually attracted to feet than there is in being excited by breasts, the female organ, the buttocks, the eyes, nose, or any other body part. No person chooses what components stimulate and excite them, so the fact that a man is turned on by feet is something over which he has no control.
Exactly why some people develop a foot fascination is not always easy to ascertain. There may be many different elements that can account for this interest, but in general there seems to have been one or more “crucial” moments in a person’s development in which a foot or feet – their own or, more often, someone else’s – played an important role. This may have been overtly sensual – perhaps having one’s member touched by a foot – or it may have been more covertly sensual, such as chancing upon a woman luxuriously and sensually rubbing her foot. And in some instances, the sensual content of the moment may not be obvious.
Share it
Acceptance of a foot fascination requires sharing it. For some, this may mean sharing it with a loving partner, which is ideal. Others may need to take some steps before reaching this stage. Seeking assistance from a mental health or a sensual health professional may be of benefit. This enables a man to speak about his feelings, desires, inclinations, and/or actions in a setting that is non-judgmental and intended to help a man gain comfort talking about – and eventually acting upon – his interests.
Often, men also find that communicating with other likeminded individuals can be helpful. They may seek out a community of foot fascinationists (or perhaps specifically of male foot fascinationists) so that they can more freely discuss what the fascination means to them and the importance it plays in their fantasies – or in their actual sensual lives, in some cases.
Ultimately, a man wants to be able to share his foot fascination with his partner. If there is doubt about her ability to receive this information in an accepting manner, he may wish to involve a mental health or sensual health professional to act as an intermediary. Hopefully, the partner will realize that this foot fascination is simply a part of her partner and that it does not change who he fundamentally is. Ideally, the couple can then incorporate foot play into their sensual lives.
A man with a foot fascination needs sensual tips related to male organ health, as well, and should make daily application of a superior male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) part of his routine. Some feet have rough callouses that can rub delicate manhood skin raw, so the chosen oil should contain healing hydrators like shea butter and vitamin E. In addition, the oil should include vitamin C, a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity.
Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male manhood sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.
Posted in: Health, fitness
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