Brooke Whistance
by on February 5, 2020

Creativity dwells within every human being. Although we usually relate it to the world of the arts, it is not only the heritage of a select few who have a "gift." The ability to create accompanies us every day and resides in each of our thoughts. Not surprisingly, we create reality depending on how you interpret it.

Creativity is a muscle that we can train daily. After all, we can be creative in all areas of our lives.

What is creativity, beyond artistic ability?

To sum it up, we take insights from someone who proposes a really progressive take on the question. Mona Maine de Brian is a successful, female entrepreneur in the male dominated industry of fragrance. The founder of the NY-centric niche fragrance house, KIERIN NYC, Mona is a thought leader advocating for clean, cruelty-free, eco-friendly values in perfumes, conscious and sustainable living. She also runs the New York City lifestyle blog, Manhattan Minds, and is a wife and mother of two. A woman who, by all evidence, puts few limits on herself as to what she can successfully do, Mona lives a multifaceted life transcending boundaries and suggests one of the keys to doing this is taking time to listen, “Creativity is born in the heart, not the head; and is met and measured on the inside. The main obstacle to creativity is fear. Fear keeps people in their minds, listening to those voices that speak only of limits, living in a state of control where the heart can’t be heard. The reason it is hard for many people to be creative is that creativity demands valuing heart and soul over ego. No one can be creative, live a fulfilling life, who is unwilling to face embarrassment, to forge ahead in courage despite possibilities, even probabilities, of falling or finding oneself amidst the unfamiliar.”

Do they say creativity is freedom?

Creativity is "the greatest rebellion in existence" and "the fragrance of individual freedom." Personal creativity gives us strength, pushes us, and helps us break our own limits, which always cut our wings. In addition, it gives us the energy and inspiration necessary to reinvent and renew ourselves. Creativity gives us the strength to wake up from the prison of living the wrong dream.

Sometimes, when we are young, we undertake a life project without knowing exactly where we are going, and later we realize that we are living a "wrong dream": we neither want to do that job, nor be with that couple, nor live in that place. Creativity enters that scenario as a way out of the routine, which, like a slow poison, kills the soul. In routine, we lose motivation, to the point that we end up trapped by our own reality. And the best antidote against this inexorable inertia is creativity. Not surprisingly, it leads us out of our comfort zone and pushes us to overcome our negative and limiting beliefs.

How can we enhance our creativity?

The first step is to believe in yourself. After all, believing and creating are two concepts that go hand in hand. Developing our creativity will lead us to create different scenarios, and to face our daily obstacles in a different way than usual. Usually, we usually react in the same way to a certain stimulus, and curiously, we always expect a different result. Creativity allows us to break this vicious circle and takes us to a new level of learning because it completely changes our interpretation of that same situation.

What prevents us from developing our creativity?

Every human being has tremendous creative potential that is usually buried under their fears. Fear of loneliness, rejection, freedom, ridicule, to be judged? Too many times, we run away from our inner space, the place where true creativity develops, for fear of finding things we don't like. We fear to enter and observe ourselves. Therefore, in most cases, creativity arises from fears that the "autopilot," that is, habits and dependencies, hide.

How can creativity help us break our habits?

Through creative visualization, we can visualize ourselves "being" without that habit, behaving differently, imagining what our life would be like. Do not underestimate the power of our thoughts and images that we create mentally, because after all, they are the seed of change. And creativity builds a bridge between our current reality and what it could become. In addition, it allows us to stop feeding our complaints, reproaches, and guilt, and begin to nurture our gratitude and our generosity.

Does living creatively lead us to live consciously?

Creativity leads us to pierce our hearts and SEE the inside of us. In that space, to which we arrive, thanks to the courage, we are aware of who we are and what happens. Living consciously means being awake, alert, and attentive. If we connect with that space, we will meet our tremendous potential for love, a truly transformative force. Of course, we must first begin by loving ourselves. The change in the world begins with the individual for a change in his consciousness that leads him to generate new attitudes, new thoughts, new values, and new feelings. That is the revolution that creativity proposes.

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