Sid Roth
by on February 6, 2020
Sid: I mean just out of the blue as Don refers to it. What happens when an unexpected cross occurs? I mean the couple’s happy, they’re having their new baby and then a 1 in a million chance occurs. One of the lungs is missing and the heart ends up in that position rather than the normal position; they give him days and the baby will die. The family goes into the audacity of prayer that’s the name of the book that we’re making available and when they prayed and this was your church family Don correct.

Don: That’s right.

Sid: And when they prayed you just had a knowing that this baby was healed and just on his own suddenly they could take him home totally healed, no surgery. What did the doctors say?

Don: When in 48 hours this baby went from the death watch to being home. No surgery, medical science didn’t make him well, God turned his situation around.

Sid: You know people are listening to us and if you’re human something unexpected happens to a love one or to you, it’s called life. What should someone do when they have this unexpected cross Don?

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Don: I believe that when you have an unexpected cross in your life and an unexpected cross can be almost anything a financial reversal, bad news from a doctor, the breakup of a marriage, you know almost anything it could be almost anything. But when we face an unexpected cross and all of us have been there I believe that it’s at that moment that we discover what we really believe and who we’re really trusting in. And I think that when we face these unexpected crosses that our first thing that we should do is to run to Father God and take our case to Him and do it in a way that we have confidence that He hears us when we pray.

Sid: I want you to give me an example give me a real life example of either your family or one of your church families and how you did or would pray and I want you to actually pray.

Don: Okay I… just a personal example of an unexpected cross for years I struggled with a heart issue; had atrial fibrillation and I was on a 30 day fast, drinking only water. And was in a hotel room I was speaking at a church and got up to take a shower one morning and you know in a weakened condition as far as physically because it was the 11th day of the fast and when I was taking the shower my heart went out of rhythm so badly that I fell in the shower I was the only one my wife wasn’t with me. And when I fell in the shower I experienced a demon that came in that bathroom and that demon told me “I’m going to kill you today and nobody is even going to know that you’re dead until church time.”

Sid: Now did you…do you think that that demon that communicated with you at that moment was the one that caused the afib?

Don: You know I think that it could have been I know that physically I was in a weakened condition because I hadn’t been eating and only drinking water and so my body was already struggling. You know if you fast at lengthy times you know that there are periods during that fast that your body just almost is screaming at you and it was at that… it was one of those moments. But…

Sid: So when you heard that obviously the demon was smart enough to say it to you as though it was your own thoughts or did you realize that it was an external voice?

Don: No I knew that it wasn’t my own thoughts I knew that it was an external voice. I have to admit to you even though I had been preaching and pasturing and being a guest speaker for years and years and years and really believed in the supernatural and the miraculous the first emotion that I felt was fear. Because I had a wife and 2 young children at the time and then of course I want to stay with my family and raise my family and the first thing was fear. Then I couldn’t even get up, I’d fallen and I couldn’t even get up I was too weak. And I finally it just…I guess my faith just kicked in and so I just said out loud I said “Devil if you think that you can kill me then go ahead but I don’t believe that you have that authority in my life; I believe that my expiration date is up to a higher power, but I’ll tell you this if you let me live till church time I am going to preach tonight.” And immediately I gained enough strength to get up and get dress and lay down on the bed but I was in weakened condition all day long. And that night I spoke just hanging on to the pulpit to stand up. Went back to my hotel room and called my wife and she prayed with me and when I woke up the next morning I woke up with my heart in rhythm, I was strong, I felt that I had sat down to a banquet table because I had supernatural strength. But an unexpected cross when it hits you tries to take your legs out from under you but that’s when your faith has to kick into action.

Read Full Conversation of Sid Roth and Don Nordin here.
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