by on February 6, 2020

The Internet of Things (IoT, as we commonly know it), is a technology that conjures images of endless possibilities as well as inspires fantasy concepts of machines becoming more human-like, taking over the world and many such from the realms of sci-fi. However, as the new decade dawns, IoT is making its presence felt in more areas than ever. To an extent that’s eliciting quotes such as these from eminent personalities:

A World of Connected Devices: 42 Billion and Counting: Devices we use daily are getting smart capabilities and gearing up to do more and generate more data than ever. The International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates we will have upwards of 42 billion connected devices by 2025, generating 79.4 petabytes of data. With that kind of information, imagine what businesses can do in terms of getting to know their customers better and improving their experience by leaps and bounds.

Informed” Surroundings: Our cities and towns are poised to learn and take advantage of increasingly sophisticated sensors, data processing and AI to make certain decisions without human intervention. This development, leading them to become what we term “smart cities”, will be driven by IoT in a big way. Our traffic lights will be more aware in monitoring driving patterns, cameras will take autonomous action should emergencies present themselves and electricity, water and other resource meters will optimize their performance for a greener future.

Smarter Homes: All the gadgets and their extra capabilities are favorites of the millennial's who love the various ways in which they make lives easier. Besides getting smarter, they are also getting more affordable. Thus, sales of various “things” constituting the “Internet of Things” are on the rise and it’s estimated that in the US alone, the number of “smart” homes will reach 28% of the total number of households by 2021. Such devices will bring about power savings, added security and the convenience of auto detecting problems and taking corrective actions.

Build Secure: With IoT devices selling in millions and the data being generated by them, the question of security is paramount. The new decade, therefore, will see a lot of focus on IoT security and robust architectures to prevent data thefts will be implemented. Enterprises looking for an IoT solutions & services partner will be asking for increased security measures for smart devices and development with such protocols in mind will be extremely beneficial for service providers.

Getting Ahead of Schedule: As devices get smarter, they’ll be able to remind users about maintenance, predict malfunctions with greater accuracy and help avert disasters in time. Gas pipelines, water supply systems, electricity grids and more would be able to alert administrators about leakages and outages and also shut systems down immediately to aid repairs. A boost in predictive maintenance would also help companies extend better customer service by staying up to speed with the conditions of every product.

The areas we touched upon in this article are some that have already seen traction and therefore, a general roadmap for where things could lead, is easier to draw up. However, there are other verticals that could benefit in many ways once suitable use cases of IoT are tried and tested. Read more here on Internet of Things(IoT) Predictions for 2020
Posted in: Technology
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