by on February 10, 2020
There is no doubt that hair transplant surgery is an effective treatment for male pattern baldness. There are a lot of hair loss patients who are fully ready for the treatment and on the other hand, many patients are curious about the Hair Transplant Cost in India. This blog is written to clear some doubts about the cost and of course, you will have the answer to your cost-related questions.
Is Hair Transplant Costly?
This is the first question that comes in the mind of hair loss patients. In fact, hair transplant is a surgical treatment that includes complex procedures. If we say it is more complex than the other surgical treatments, then we would not be wrong.
During the hair transplant, the surgeon borrows the hairs from the back and sides with the help of two main techniques called strip surgery and follicular unit extraction. After that, he inserts all the hairs into the recipient area.
All these steps are not simple and the final cost of the treatment is decided after the consideration of the following factors.
Hair Loss Progression:
The total cost of the treatment depends on the progression of baldness. Baldness is a genetic problem that affects the hairline, temple areas, and crown area steadily. For the surgeons, it is necessary to know about the level of severity of the hair loss. for example, if the bald area is larger, the cost is going to be higher.
The Number Of Hairs:
As we have mentioned above, hair loss surgeons need some hairs to transplant them to the bald scalp. These hairs are removed from the back and sides. Usually, the surgeon decides the total number of hairs required for the surgery, and the cost depends on the number of hairs.
Hair Transplant Techniques:
There are two techniques called follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction to perform a hair transplant. Both the techniques do not have a similar cost structure and follicular unit extraction is considered as a costlier procedure.
As you may observe, most of the authentic clinics consider these factors before providing the final cost structure.
What About Cheap Clinics?
Of course, some people would think about cheap options but probably such patients do not know about the disadvantages of visiting cheap clinics.
Cheap clinics want to offer cheap treatment. For this reason, they are supposed to compromise with the quality of the treatment.
Can you manage a poor hair transplant just for saving some bucks?
Moreover, there is always a risk of failure or other side effects with an inexperienced surgeon. In this situation, you will need another surgery causing more expenses.
Therefore, if you are looking for a Hair Transplant Surgeon in Ahmedabad, the cost of the treatment should be a problem for you because the Avenues clinic is one of the best clinics providing authentic and proper hair loss treatments. Visit the clinic to know more about the clinic and hair loss treatments.
Posted in: health
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