Michael Brown
by on February 11, 2020

Email is one of the important ways by which businesses correspond with customers, business contacts, or for internal or inter-department communication. Even if it is “just” an email, proper email etiquette must be observed. Receptionist courses should include all aspects of email etiquette. Communicating through email should show professionalism and respect. Response to emails should be made in a timely manner. Any confidential information should be guarded completely, personal emails should be avoided, and only promises that are deliverable should be made. Companies should formulate their own email etiquette policy. These should be written and posted where your front desk staff can see them. Training sessions for your front desk staff should also include email etiquette. Each rule should be thoroughly discussed and its importance highlighted. Refresher classes should also be conducted on a regular basis. Videos on business training services and email etiquette can also be shown during training.

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