ribhav singh
by on February 12, 2020
Now the question arises, how to get rid of a Tension Headache?

The treatment varies for different types of headaches. As we now know that tension headache is the basic common headache, so its treatment is also easy and can be remedied as soon as possible. It can be treated by two ways, that is, either home remedies or medical treatment. A change is lifestyle would also help to prevent further headaches. Let us learn more about these treatments.

Side effects of Alcohol: When you consume alcohol the problem start from that point in your body like, shrinking brain, behavior change, hallucinations, etc.

Home Remedies

The headache of episodic nature can be cured by avoiding dehydration in the body and performing the activities that helps in stress reduction. Some more home prevention remedies that could be helpful are:-

• Avoiding the triggers that lead to pain.

• Perform biofeedback techniques.

• Avoid stress generating activities.

• Take a hot water bath.

• Improve body postures while sleeping or working on computer.

• Put on heating pad or ice pack onto your head for 5-10 minutes.

• Proper sleep and rest schedule.

These simple home remedies or treatments could be of much use and ease for prevention of episodic headaches. One should not directly prefer pain killers rather he/she should practice home remedies at first place.


Pain killers or over-the-counter drugs are better and effective for the prevention of headache that isn’t being possibly cured by home remedies. One should prefer the pain killers at second place. Principally, the person suffering from chronic headache prefers pain killers. These drugs should be taken occasionally only, there should not be over use of such drugs because pain killers are so strong that they may affect the kidney. Chronic headache must be treated properly according to the prescriptions of a Doctor.

Some of the medicines that tend to be effective for the pain that is not more than 2-3 days are aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen. These medicines should not be taken in access because they too have side effects.

Thus, proper and effective medication should be followed under Doctor’s supervision and guidance.


Lifestyle plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body. One should strictly exercise daily for proper functioning of the body parts and organs. Exercise includes walking, running, yoga, cycling and various physical activities. Also a healthy diet is must for the required amount of vitamins, protein and calcium in a normal body.

To prevent headache, a person must follow a healthy lifestyle avoiding the triggers causing pain that is stress management, movement of body at proper intervals in the long duration of work, proper body postures while working and sleeping, drinking less caffeine and more water to avoid dehydration.

Most prominently, get enough rest and efficient sleep which is important for a normal body and regular diet because lack of sleep or hunger cause the headache at first place.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle leads to a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Source: Wat Not

Posted in: health
Topics: headache
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