by on February 18, 2020
Extension cords are becoming one of the popular ways to manage electrical hazards in homes. That is if you safely use them. Generally, people turn to extension cords to maximize the use of a socket. They tend to work effectively and are great for delivering power from one point to another. There are so many things you need to know about extensions and extension plugs for you to understand how well to utilize these devices. Throughout this piece, you are going to find some essential details about electrical extensions and extension plugs that you don't know. By the time you finish, you are going to be both knowledgeable and conversant with extension plugs.

Types of extension plugs

The plug is the end of the extension cord that you use to connect your extension to the socket. These plugs come in two distinct types, which are the two-prong type and the three-prong extension plug. The two-prong extension plug doesn't have the grounding. The three-prong, on the other hand, comes to a third prong that connects to the ground wire on an electrical circuit. By doing so, it reduces the risk of electrical shocks and wires. It is thus advisable to make use of the three-prong anytime you are wondering which among the many types of extension cords is ideal to use.

The three extensions plugs

One of the best extension plugs that anyone is going to advise you to use is the three extensions plugs. It is the type of plug that gives you enough room to connect your system, the television, and any other electronic without the risk of overloading the socket and creating a fire hazard. The fact that it doesn't leave room for more than necessary connections makes it the best choice for homes, offices, and other places that require extension cords. Other extensions plugs offer more than three connections. These extension cords tend to be very risky in that you find yourself overloading the socket without knowing. You thus end up creating a fire risk or a shock hazard, making your home unsafe for you and your family. The only way to ensure your safety is to make use of the three extensions plugs. In most cases, electrical cord of a similar kind is also ideal. All you have to do is to keep in mind the safety rules of using an extension to avoid risking your life. These rules include

Don’t use an extension cord on another

Sometimes you can end up purchasing a short extension cord. And since it doesn’t cover the distance you want it to cover, you decide to make use of another short extension cord to come up with a much longer one. Plugging an extension cord on another to increase its length is a hazardous mistake that puts you in danger of electrocution or creating a fire hazard.

Don’t pull an extension cord from the socket

Each extension cord in the market comes with a design that doesn't allow you to pull it from the socket. Doing so is going to ruin the socket, and that is something that is going to cost you extra cash. It can also become hazardous since the wires in the outlet can detach from their attachments and touch each other leading to electrical shocks or spark coming from the extension cord.

Always use the right extension cord with the right socket

One crucial rule on ways to use extension cords safely is always to make sure that you are plugging the right extension cord in the right socket. Not every outlet can fit any extension cord. Once you note that the two don't match, you should not try to modify the plug. By doing so, you are first ruining the integrity of the extension cord, and second, you are creating a fire hazard.

Throw away bad extension cord

Once you notice your extension cord is faulty, don’t ignore the fault and continue using it. Doing so exposes you to dangers such as fire hazards, electrical shocks, and sparks coming either from the extension cord, the part with the damage, or plug. Take any faulty extension cord for repairs. That is if the part is repairable. In case it’s not, go ahead and discard it safely.

Dispose of extension cords that become hot with time

Lastly, always observe your extension cord and take note of any shift in temperature. An ideal electrical extension cord should not exhibit any form of temperature rise no matter how long you make use it. If you find your electrical extension cord becoming hot, unplug it and get a new one. That means that the extension is faulty, and it can no longer function efficiently. You should not ignore any sign that your electrical cord is defective. By doing risk possible electrocution.

Extension cords can be valuable and dangerous. It all depends on how well you use them. It is always advisable that you keep you monitor your extension cords at all times. You should also go for three extensions plugs if at all you want to avoid the problem of overloading your socket from time to time. Examine your outlet and make sure you know whether it needs a two-prong or three-prong electrical extension plug. Every step you take should be towards having a safe environment for you and your family.
Posted in: electrician
Topics: electricals
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