Brian Burell
by on February 20, 2020

Digital transformation is a catchphrase that has grabbed the attention of entrepreneurs, C-suite, business leaders, and strategists across industries at the global level. Considering the enormous benefits of digital transformation, every organization in 2020 will be keen to embrace disruptive technologies to improve their bottom line while creating a meaningful, personalized, and quality experience for its stakeholders.

Digital transformation for companies is not merely a process; instead, it is a phenomenon that entails changes at all levels, including people, processes, procedures, and technology, thereby radically transforming the business performance. Successful digital transformations deploy technologies like 5G, Cloud, Big data, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Process Automation, Neural machine-learning, and Blockchain to achieve operational efficiencies.

However, digital transformation is not about purely adopting technologies; it is a business-first approach that requires perfect alignment between organizational and environmental components to explore the endless benefits.

Therefore, at this time of year, when we are moving ahead in 2020, it’s good to take a pause and reflect on how to implement advanced technologies in your business for innovation-driven growth.

Here are a few pro tips you must follow to execute your robust digital transformation strategy efficiently in 2020.

5 Pro-Tips for Successful Digital Transformation

Begin by creating a digital vision for your business: First and foremost, focus on crafting a detailed digital roadmap defining the objectives, benchmarks, scope and expected results that clarify the desired future state after digitization. Delineate key parameters like expected ROI, productivity metrics, branding strategy, costs considerations, cost-benefit analysis, and resource allocation to ensure that the overall strategy revolves around them. Additionally, it is also critical to define short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals aligning with your digital transformation strategy. It is worth mentioning that chief executives must lead your digital transformation team as the success rate significantly increases when senior-level leaders are involved in planning and execution.

Create a shared understanding for all the parties involved: After your transformation team is clear on the desired outcomes, you must emphasize bringing all the stakeholders on board. The process begins with effective communication. The top executives must communicate the digital vision supported by a strong business case, KPIs, and data to the employees to get buy-in from them. They must understand the need for the initiative and what will they accomplish after transformation.

Analyze your current tech-capabilities and perform a gap analysis: It’s time to take an inventory of current tech stack, including the organization’s IT infrastructure and other operational technologies. Whether you are starting from scratch or upgrading your legacy systems, it is critical to identify gaps between the present IT capabilities and the desired solution. Moreover, it is essential to ascertain the compatibility of the current system and its security posture before committing resources for new partnerships and skill-sets.

Align culture and technology: It is vital to bring tech and culture on the same page to help navigate through complexities. Digital transformation is a change and calls for holistic management. The difference comes from people, and thus it is essential to create collaboration and coordination between people horizontally as well as vertically in the hierarchy. Workshops, training sessions, open discussion forums can give them a chance to express their doubts and seek solutions. The envisioning meetings take employees closer to the digital vision by shaping a digital mindset.Additionally, cultural alignment also requires consideration for workforce diversity and generational gaps. Digital deployment is only successful when technical aspects are appropriately addressed. You must take care of security concerns during the transition, management of the massive volume of data influx, and IT architecture supporting present systems while ensuring that employees are securely functioning during the change.

Choose a reliable digital transformation partner: It implies selecting a strategic partner that can help you orchestrate all the plans while addressing the challenges and turn the promise of digital transformation into reality. Your tech partner must be competent to understand your business requirements in light of industry trends, assess the present situation, and devise a feasible solution that can be implemented and executed in a phased manner.

How can Katalyst Technologies be your ideal digital transformation partner in 2020?

As evident, digital transformation is an investment for a sustainable future. Katalyst Technologies is a leading ecommerce and digital solutions provider with immense experience and expertise. Our digital transformation experts work closely with clients to offer a bespoke solution while considering budgetary guidelines and ensuring that the clients get a viable business solution that improves their bottom line in 2020.

Collaborate with our experts and go digital in 2020.

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