Mark Cortes
by on February 22, 2020
Medicine of erectile dysfunction (ED) could spell new hope to men! If you have seen in yourself the warning signs of erectile dysfunction, then you would have gone half insane, not knowing what to do with your life, as you are now not able to get an erection and thus not able to enjoy sex, because of erectile dysfunction.

But Do Not Lose Hope If You Have Erectile Dysfunction

There are a number of reasons why you could be suffering from reason of weakness in man (ED). But, what is very vital for you to understand is that, you are not the only man in the world who is suffering from erectile dysfunction. There are approximately 200 million men in the world who are facing this very same issue and the worst part is, this number is expected to shoot up to 320 million, by the year 2025. Of course, when you suffer from weakness of man in bed (ED), you are not able to have sex. And not being able to have s e x is no laughing matter, as it leads to all kinds of other problems.

How Can Not Having Sex Affect You?

Suffering from erectile dysfunction and not having sex regularly, can affect you in more ways than you can imagine, take a look:
  • Higher Risk of Prostate Cancer: When you do not ejaculate on a frequent basis, the health of your prostate could be badly affected. In a study done, it revealed that when men ejaculated for a minimum of 21 times in a month, their risk of suffering from prostate cancer was lower, as compared to men who ejaculated just about 4 to 7 times a month.
  • More Sick Days: If you do not have sex regularly, you are going to fall sicker than you would like to. You would suffer from illnesses like the common cold, cough and flu, more often. But when you have s e x regularly, your immune system is strengthened and risks of suffering from coughs, colds and flu, are greatly reduced. Studies reveal that when you have s e x at least once or twice in a week, the antibody called immunoglobulin A is released in bigger amounts. And this can protect you from a number of ailments.
  • No Exercise: If you do not exercise and you do not have sex too, it means you are not getting any exercise at all. When you have s e x, you burn around 3.6 calories each minute. This is more than the amount of calories that you would burn, if you went for a brisk walk.
  • Headaches: Not having sex on a regular basis, could leave you prone to suffering from a greater number of headaches than you could even believe possible. But when you have s e x regularly, you would be surprised to see that these headaches improved. In a study done, people suffering from migraine were asked if their migraine improved as a result of having s e x. As many as 60% of these people said yes!.
  • More Stress: When you do not have sex regularly, you suffer from stress. But when you have s e x on a regular basis, the level of the stress hormone cortisol is reduced and this lessens your stress. Even if you just hug your partner, the level of your oxytocin gets a big boost and this makes you feel a lot calmer. Oxytocin, also called the ‘cuddle hormone’, is a vital hormone which is released when you have s e x. When you orgasm or when you hug or cuddle, the level of this hormone is increased and it helps in bonding, trust, empathy and relationship building.
  • Cardiovascular Disease: You stand a higher chance of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, if you do not have sex on a regular basis. When you have s e x on a regular basis, the levels of your estrogen and progesterone are kept in balance. Because of this, your chances of suffering from heart diseases are lowered.
  • Great Sleep: When you have sex, a hormone known as prolactin is released. Prolactin is associated with you being able to get deep sleep. But when you do not have s e x, this hormone is not released and as such, you would find it hard to sleep.
  • Damaged Relationship: People who do not have sex, get the feeling that their partner is no longer attracted to them and that something is wrong with their relationship. They could also get the feeling that their partner is interested in someone else, is having an affair with someone and is having s e x with someone else. This affects a relationship very badly. Having s e x on a regular basis, can improve your relationship with your partner. Studies reveal that a person would have a better relationship with his or her partner, when they had s e x at least once in a week. S e x also helps in increasing feelings of being close to each other and it can also help in improving communication.
  • Losing All Interest In Sex: A big negative with not being able to have s e x, is that after some time, you will start to lose all interest in s e x. And this can hurt you in a number of ways, as you have already seen above.
  • Live Less: A study was done on men who had sex more frequently, than men who did not. This revealed that men who had s e x at least two times in a week, as compared with men who had s e x just once in a month, had half the death rate.
As you can clearly see, suffering from erectile dysfunction and not having s e x on a regular basis, can affect your health badly. That is why, it is very important for you to have s e x regularly.

But How Can You Have Sex If You Are Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction?

Of course, if you are suffering from male sexual impotence, it would mean that you would not be able to have s e x. This is because when you are impotent:
  • You would not be able to get an erection.
  • Even if you did get an e r e c t I o n, you would not be able to sustain it long enough, so that you can have s e x.
  • Also, your so called ‘erection’, would be so soft, you would not be able to have s e x with it.
  • Your interest in s e x would be less.
  • You would suffer from premature ejaculation and all other kinds of ejaculation problems.
In this kind of scenario, as you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, how can you have s e x? As such, you may also be wondering…

Is It Possible To Prevent Erectile Dysfunction?

The answer is yes, it could be possible for you to Prevent Erectile dysfunction, by adopting the following changes in your lifestyle:
  • Do not have alcohol. If you just cannot do without having alcohol, ensure that you have as little as possible.
  • Ask your doctor to check and see if any of the medicines you are on, may cause you to suffer from erectile dysfunction. There are some drugs (Popular Cenforce, Vidalista & Kamagra) that cause male impotency.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Stay on a diet.
  • Go to the doctor for regular checkups.
  • Do not have tobacco.
  • Reduce your levels of stress and anxiety.
  • Do not use illicit drugs.
  • Exercise on a regular basis. You do not have to indulge in vigorous exercises daily. Just 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week of walking or swimming, would suffice to keep you healthy.
  • Eat foods that are healthy.
  • Keep your weight healthy. If you are obese or overweight, be sure to take the right steps to lose weight.
But do not worry, if you already have erectile dysfunction then there are a number of treatments that are available for this and you can be sure that one of them is sure to work on you. In fact, right here, you can get world class oral drugs which are used by men all over the world, to treat sexual dysfunction symptoms.

Hope for Erectile Dysfunction Is Available Right Here!

Now, no matter where you are in the world, if you are suffering from impotence in men and you are seeking only the very best treatment in the world for this, you can get that right here. This male sexual dysfunction treatment is available in the form of world class drugs like Tadacip, Malegra, Filagra, Avaforce, Cenforce, Vilitra, Tadalista, Vidalista, Suhagra, Tadarise, Fildena, Avana and Kamagra. Men all over the world use these drugs for erectile dysfunction treatment and when they do, they get very powerful erections which let them have just super s e x, that too for long hours! And the good news for you is that you too can use these medicines to treat erectile dysfunction and have such fantastic s e x – wherever you are in the world. We – TrustedMedsWorld, will deliver these drugs to you, right to your door. Just place your order right here and get set to enjoy the best sex in 2020 and beyond, having now discovered the new hope that is there in world class medicines used by men all over the world for treating erectile dysfunction!!

Author Bio:

TrustedMedsWorld is a Specialist Store for Men's Sexual Health. We are Best Known for getting to the root causes of Men's poor Sexual health and for Preventing Erectile Dysfunction Based on Best Medications that keep the problems away. Based on Safety and Effectiveness, We come up with Generic Medicines such as Cenforce, Kamagra, Actilis, and Vidalista at Lowest Cost & Free of Charge Shipping Just for you. For Details in Brief Please Visit:

Myths & Facts about Erectile Dysfunction:

Q. What can make a man weak in bed?

There are some of the causes that can make a man weak in bed:
  • Many physical Conditions cause weakness such as Diabetes, Heart and vascular disease, hormonal imbalances, kidney or liver failure, and chronic diseases.
  • Some medical conditions can cause problems with sexual function includes alcoholism and drug abuse, side effects of certain medications, including some antidepressant drugs, can affect s e x u a l desire.
  • Numerous Psychological causes include work stress and anxiety, concern about s e x life, marital or relationship problems, depression, feelings of guilt, and the effects of past s e x u a l trauma.

    Q. What examination Will a Urologist Do If I Have an ED?

    He wants to understand better how ED affects you and see whether there might be a clear cause for it.
    • Urine and Overnight Erection Tests
    • Ultrasound and Injection Test Mental Health Exam Physical Exam Includes Check your Penis and Pulse for Blood Flow and Blood Pressure. Medical and Sexual History Involves Past surgeries, the medicine you take, injuries, and lifestyle choices, your relationships, s e x drive if you ever get erections.
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