Cero Bike
by on February 24, 2020

Every company, athlete, movie star, etc. dreams of being on a magazine cover. Our dream has come true with the latest issue of Electric Bike Action Magazine, which hits news stands nationwide next week. Here is what they concluded about the CERO One:

“We found the CERO One to be a very versatile bike. It’s obvious that Kiyoshi and his crew really did a proper job of research and prototyping. The bike rides well and carries plenty of cargo. We quickly found ourselves riding it a lot locally instead of taking a car. It’s fun to ride, well-built and gets you wherever you want to go quickly. Range is superb. As a first time effort, we’d say the CERO is a home run.”

Next week, we recommend buying yourself an issue of the magazine. If you were on the fence about making an investment in a CERO One, this review will convince you why this should be the bike for your daily life!

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