by on March 5, 2020
This is an issue that I frequently get from those clients who pay child support. If you are currently paying support, you know there is a standard system in California that is followed by the courts to determine the amount that the paying party will provide to the parent in custody.
In general, all parties have a financial obligation to support their children, and the famous “Dissomaster” system determines this duty. This tax-based program takes into account both parents’ earnings, the time each spends with the kids.
Other essential factors, such as child care expenses, union dues, medical deductions, mortgage interest payments, etc. play a vital role. A payment amount is produced based on the numbers plugged into this program.
So to answer the question ‘Why do I have to pay so much support for children?’ There may be several factors, such as:
• You earn way more revenue than the other parent, and NO your new spouse’s income is not considered for child support.
• You don’t spend much time with the kids. The average time-share is typically 20 percent for the parent who is “non-custodial” and 80 percent for the parent who is in custody.
• You spend a lot of interest in your property. This increases your liability because you’re allowed to claim the expense on your tax return, so it’s considered a gain to you.
• The other parent covers medical expenses.
• Your kids have high daycare costs.
So before going to court or talking to your spouse (or ex) about child support, be sure to meet with Family Law Attorney, who can run the numbers through the program and who can then guide you on the best course of action.
If you are looking for an attorney who understands the complexities of child support and what it takes to fight for your family’s rights in a family law matter, look no further, then Jos Family Law.
Posted in: Legal Services
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