by on March 16, 2020

If you are facing a severe hair loss problem and looking for a permanent treatment, Hair Transplant in Gujarat can be the solution you are looking for. It is quite possible you have already heard about this procedure since it is extremely popular among the people of all age groups.

Experts say that the most common tire of hair loss is male pattern baldness that kills the hair follicles due to the baldness genes. In this condition, normal treatments are totally ineffective.

On the other hand, hair transplant surgery is perfectly capable of bringing good results for the patient.

In this procedure, hairs are borrowed from the body of the patient. Usually, the areas donating the hairs are the back and sides of the scalp. These areas are baldness resistant and provide stable hairs forever.

However, you need to conduct proper research before the surgery due to the presence of fake clinics in the market.

There are several factors that ensure success after the surgery. in this blog, we have brought three main factors that are essential to consider before you finally decide to undergo the surgery.

Have a look!

Qualification Of The Surgeon:

Before the surgery, you should ensure your surgeon is the right person to perform the surgery or not. Actually, hair transplant is a surgical procedure and only a medical doctor with a proper degree can perform its steps. With the MBBS degree, the surgeon needs to obtain a specialized degree in cosmetic treatments or hair transplants.

We have to add the experience in the qualification since a lot of things are cleared with experience when the person is working in the medical field. You must look for an experienced surgeon to make sure you are going to have favorable results at the end.

Hair Transplant Techniques:

You require to know about the techniques the surgeon is going to use for the treatment.

Inauthentic clinics, mainly two techniques are used for the treatment is known as follicular unit transplant or strip surgery and follicular unit extraction.

Both the techniques are effective and the surgeon is supposed to choose the techniques according to your candidacy.

Recovery Period:

Most of the patients do not know it but the recovery period also plays an important role in the success of the surgery. The patients have to follow all the instructions provided by the surgeon at any cost.

Generally, touching and pulling the transplanted hairs is prohibited. Moreover, the surgeon would not allow you to perform heavy activities like exercises and sports activities. However, after proper consultation, you can start your daily routine.

Finally, you must consider these things besides other factors like facilities, cost, and success rate. Visit the Avenues clinic if you are looking for a cheap Hair Transplant Price In Ahmedabad. The experts of this clinic are fully capable of providing the results as per your expectations.


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