Christina Jones
by on March 19, 2020

We have probably heard a lot about employee offboarding, a smooth exit is important for a good start. Employee Offboarding is just not only about an employee leaving the company whether they are leaving voluntary or involuntary it ensures that their departure should be defined and minimal disruption.

Offboarding of an employee is equally important as the Onboarding of employees.

The Employee Offboarding Process is not just a matter of efficiency and recordkeeping. It can have crucial financial consequences too. Also reducing errors like collecting all company issued equipment form the departing employee. 

Security can be ensured using employee offboarding processes like access to all company desktops and mobile phones will be terminated once they leave.

The complexity of the offboarding employee depends on a few things:

The reason for exit whether the employee is fired the process becomes more important than others, documentation and record-keeping become more crucial.

The position of the employee who has been with the company for a long time often requires an extended offboarding.

Listing out ways in easy button employee offboard process

1)Creating a offboard plan for HR:

A Checklist should be a part of the employee offboarding HR department. It should include:

A formal resignation letter for the offboarding employee.

Let the whole team know about your resignation.

Let the co-working team know about your resignation so that it would help HR to prepare the final documents. The IT department has to change access.

Check whether the employe has taken his or her paid leaves.

Give a memorable employee offboarding treat.

Checking employee doesn’t own reimbursement of any signing bonus.

Do the final paycheck of the employee before he or she leaves.

2)Review any nondisclosure agreements with the employee:

If the employee is signed on any nondisclosure or not completed agreements ask about the rest of the requirements of the agreement before they leave so that it would help the remaining team to complete it.

3)Retrieve company equipment and assets:

A Checklist of equipment given to the employee is a must. Especially items given to employe like id cards, mobile phones, laptops, company credit cards, unform, tools, and key. Also revoking all the digital rights like employe portal, email, etc.

Wipeout all sensitive data related to your company form your personal device.

Change password and other access codes used by the offboarding employee.

4)Store Employee information for future communication:

Always store important employee details for future requirements.

Confirm the contact details, if you have alumni ask them to join it would help them to get regular updates. Finalize the offboard employee details and secure them.

5)Conduct an exit interview and Farewell:

The exit interview gains valuable feedback about the company. They give important clues about the ongoing work so its good to assign the task to the manager. Departure employee discussing their reasons for leaving and perceptions. It’s important that there should be no negative feedback.

Exit interview feedback improves employee retention in the future.

Prepare a good farewell for the employee. Farewells should be positive occasions. Remember that the farewell also shows employees your company was one big family when they are leaving.

On the last day, it is worthwhile to send a farewell announcement, as a reminder to the rest of the team to wish the outgoing employee a good farewell

To sum it up, the Employee offboard process will help to make your organization a better place to work while protecting your valuable assets and enabling your long-term success for your organization. The offboarding process ensures that all security risks have been addressed and that an audit trail of the employee’s exit is created in every case.

Posted in: Buisness, software
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