by on March 31, 2020
It’s been a few days since Call of Duty: Warzone has released, but competition has gotten pretty high. Call of Duty: Warzone have some great features that makes it one of special kind of game. In the squad match composition matters for winning. Call of Duty: Warzone is encouraging gamers to keep playing the battle royale.
Call of Duty: Warzone recently added a solo mode but it is the experience of squad match and communication that makes things unique. Call of Duty: Warzone is like other battle royale games where players have to suffer if they play with random players who don’t communicate much.
The key to winning is the coordination, communication, and strategy, and without having the right teammates, you cannot win easily. In squad match, three players can win any match if you and your team players properly coordinate in terms of supporting and loadout. Now to make a perfect winning squad, there are simple things that you need to keep in mind.
Assign Roles to Your Squad in Warzone
To make perfect squad, best thing for team is to assign the role of every member of the team. When every member of the squad know about their role and task, it makes things a lot easier to team defeat the rivals. There is one more benefit of choosing the role that it makes loadout easy too, because players just have to pick up what’s related to them. From roles, you and your teammates can easily choose the right and effective loadout that will be helpful in the Warzone.
If you and your teammates are playing aggressively, then you must stay close and play at least two team members to make a strong strategy. While having two players in the team, you can assign one to shoot on long-range enemies and another on medium-range enemies. For long-range players, DMR or Snipers would be helpful, and for close and mid-range AR and SMG or shotgun would be supportive. In absolute close range, shotguns are deadly, but that doesn’t happen, then you should be ready with AR or SMG for combat.
In the beginning, having loadout entirely through plunder is possible. However, it’s a battle royale game match, and that is why try to do loot as much as possible for better loadout. On the battlefield, players need to be flexible, and that is why, depending on loot, is another option that players can rely on. It’s a part of strength if you keep yourself full from the loot of the enemy. If your team performs better in the field, then you and your team can get enough loot and loadout weapons to use. One thing you need to remember is that you need to have better loot before circle got shrink because after being in a small circle relying on loot could be a problem.
Keep a Launcher and a Sniper
Your aim is to win, and for that, you should know which one player of your team is good at using long-range weapons to assign them, sniper. Sniper is vital in the battle for winning, or DMR guns can also be helpful if the sniper is not acquired. Snipers can damage body armor in very little time if an enemy is approaching your team. RPG is one of the most destructive weapons in Warzone, so at the time of using it, whoever using it, they need to be accurate and exact on timing.
Sniper is only useful when you see multiple squad battles with each other at the same location. It can take down the whole area if there are multiple or single enemies available. If the sniper is getting in use from both you and the enemy side, then you can see a tough fight between both. In this condition, you need to support your teammate if required. For a sniper using player, sniper gun should be the priority and only loot for sniper loadout. A sniper always requires backup, so the time of requirement keeps another weapon ready for the shoot.
Ready with AR and LMG
In Call of Duty: Warzone battle never stops in the field, and that encourages the player to move forward and kill forward. Marking enemies, shooting enemies are the two primary objectives in the game to conquer. In order to win, you need to play with balance. Aggression is necessary, but with it, you need to jump on the battlefield if you see any enemy, which is another key to win the game. To play offensively in Call of Duty: Warzone, it is essential to have an LMG gun that can have 60 ammo rounds. This much round of ammo can wipe out the whole squad if play with proper tactic and composition with teammates.
Close combat battle usually happens, so with a team of three people can be vastly effective against the enemy. Weapons and items are important in battle, but more than that, the team should be precisely balanced too. Everyone does killing in the game, but it is also important that who is more willing to take down the enemy. You need to know who is flanking, who is sniping, so when required, you can use your winning plan to reach the top of the match.
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Ava Williams is a McAfee product expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Ava has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as
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