Brooke Whistance
by on April 6, 2020

The emotion is the music and the script is the librettist – that is how powerful this role is in the world of opera. Essentially, a librettist writes the text of an opera or other choral work. However, their work curates the entire show. A librettist, by virtue, will have to think like the composer and curate the entire script by taking into perspective many different factors like the theme of the opera and general context.

This is exactly why a librettist is considered a massive influence in the creative arts and in the world of opera. The profession requires a diverse skillset and has a rather demanding nature, but if you manage to cement yourself as a profound librettist, the sky is the limit.

If you are currently considering a career in the opera, then becoming a librettist might actually be the best decision you can ever make. As a librettist, you will have to produce substantive ideas, which inspire the entire composition of the skit. This includes the dramatic structure, characters and the general scenario of the play. The librettist’s work can define the trajectory of the play and has a substantial role to play in the success of the play.

Before we discuss the various benefits of becoming a librettist, it is important to understand what kind of skill set this job requires. Some of the prerequisites of becoming a librettist are mentioned below.

  • Creative flair
  • Sound knowledge of opera dramaturgy
  • Understanding of musical dramatic structure
  • Understanding of modern operatic storytelling

Top Benefits of Becoming a Librettist

If you truly believe that you have what it takes to become a successful librettist, nothing should stand in your way! This beautiful career path will open an array of different opportunities and will definitely invoke your passion. Rest assured, here are the top benefits of becoming a renowned librettist.

Less Competition More Market Space

One of the most profound benefits of becoming a librettist is the fact that this industry is quite saturated and mostly comprises of old players. As a young budding music enthusiast, you will not have much competition but will still have plenty of room to grow. Most aspiring musicians and scriptwriters shy away from a librettist role due to its massive implications. However, once you establish yourself as a librettist, you can grow at an exponential rate only if you produce top quality work.

Take Euan Tait as an example, he is a choral poet who has garnered commissions internationally with high profile composers such as Kim Andre Arnesen, Janet Wheeler, Chris Hutchings, Carson Cooman and Paul Spicer. These collaborations helped him release most of his major work and his best seller “Flight Song”. All you need is the drive and this thriving market space will help you prosper.

Garner Credible Reputation and Identity 

As a librettist, you will have the unique opportunity to translate your passions into music and scripts. Your writings will be infused with your personal experiences, aspirations and passion. This empowers you to curate powerful music, which has a positive effect on society via the world of opera.

With time, the more opera skits you work on, the more reputation you will garner. After each successful opera skit, you will immediately have offers for new ventures if people like the energy in your music or words. As a creative artist, you know the power of music, words and drama! This role will allow you to fully explore these avenues and fine tine your professional goals.

Lucrative Margins and Intellectually Stimulating

Obviously if you are making a career out of this, you must be wondering about the payout. Initially you will have to begin with small profits but with a few plays under your belt, you can easily start quoting a higher margin. As you continue to grow in this profession, so will your running and operational income.

Yes, you will not become a millionaire overnight but with a few years of dedicated work, anything is possible. Besides the money, this profession will constantly stimulate your mind making sure you grow as a human being and as an artist.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to your personal aspirations and goals. If you are considering a profession as a librettist, then start by signing up with local opera shows and slowly make your way to the top. Keep writing and your work will one day prove who you really are. 

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