Brooke Whistance
by on April 22, 2020

Working With Translation Agencies

The translation market has constantly evolved, thanks to globalization, and there are many opportunities available to freelance translators on the lookout for good quality projects. The translation industry is on a high-growth trajectory and industry leaders like QSD, the association of German translation companies are working hard towards maintaining the quality standard within the industry.

Even though many agencies and direct clients require translators to have a certain amount of experience before hiring their services, the beginners need not get disheartened. It is wise to remember that many beginners join this industry every year and find success in terms of working with good quality translation agencies and higher paying projects.

To increase your chances of entering the translation market, here are some tips on how to work with translation agencies in order to maintain a steady flow of work and revenue stream.

Find out about your client

Whether you choose to work with a translation agency or with a direct client, you are the provider, and they are your clients. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you do your homework and discover the relevant details about your prospective clients. Find out where they are located, make sure they have a professional website and that they don't use free email addresses. Ask for references and find out how reliable they are, if they treat their suppliers well (or not), what their payment protocols are, if they respect the terms of their suppliers, etc.

Be professional

Send your resume. Make sure you are up to date and that it contains information about your education as a translator, your years of experience, and your specializations. Also, make sure that it is written in your client's native language. The fact that a client is looking for translators in another language does not necessarily mean that they speak that language, right?

Clearly indicate your language pair

Remember that professional translators must work in their native language. Although it is true that some people have two mother tongues, the fact is that it is suspicious when translators say they have more than two native languages. Make it easy for your prospective client to know what your language combination is by typing it in the subject line of your email, as well as in the body of the email.

Report your rates to your prospective customers

Have specific translation and review fees, make sure they are fair and in accordance with the industry and your country of residence. Do not devalue your work and professional translator reputation by charging below standard rates, in order to get a job. Also, do not allow customers to degrade your work by accepting their request to lower your rates. If a client cannot accept the value of a translator’s work, it is definitely not worth having them as a client!

Limit your list of specializations

It is not sensible to project yourself as an "expert in everything." One or two well-defined specializations will give you a better opportunity to project yourself as an expert in a particular subject. Remember, customers are looking for experts that they can value and with whom they can have a lasting relationship, not amateurs whose services cannot meet their high-quality standards.

Set your own payment terms

During the first contact, explain to the customer - agency or direct customer - your payment terms. Be courteous, but firm about it. Remember, you are the customer's provider, which means that it is you, not the buyer or customer, who sets the payment terms. Tell your client that late payments would incur late fees.

Always request a formal payment agreement that is based on your terms. In case the agency refuses to sign this agreement, do not waste time trying to work with this client. Go to the next one since this one may not be serious or reliable.

The best part about being a freelance translator is your ability to decide the quantity and quality of work you wish to take up. Being consistent with the quality of your work, ability to stick to deadlines and maintaining work ethics can ensure a steady flow of work, making you an invaluable asset to the translation service providers.

Posted in: Business
Topics: translation
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