Ashokraj Thangavel
by on April 26, 2020
First, congratulate yourself for taking your time and reading this. We are sure; you would be satisfied after reading this Ebook too. As a small business, you might have just invested heavily in your business and allocating money to advertise your products at this stage might be near to impossible. We understand this and this Ebook covers seven crucial digital marketing techniques which involves zero cost (yeah! your read it correctly), and it does not require no digital marketing professional to implement it. This DIY (do it yourself) guide will help to understand your business more and show a significant change in its growth trajectory.
How to use this Digital marketing Plan
This digital marketing guide is organised in a particular sequence in terms based on our 15 years of experience in managing the business from various industries at various capacities, so we recommend you to follow the progression and enforce it. Still, it is absolutely up to you if you decide to directly jump into any of the specific area which needs your attention immediately.
The organisation of this digital marketing plan
Each day of a week, You will be solving one problem from the list above using highly effective but free digital marketing tools. There will be a step by step guide on how to use those tools by yourself, Pro tips, recommended list for further reading if you want to advance.
All the best for a productive seven day ahead and we love to see your business grow. Share your thoughts, feedbacks with us. Also, let us know if you wish to know more about any of the tools discussed.
Happy growth.
Most crucial Marketing Issues
Making you known in the market
Buyer Persona analysis
Product optimisation
Optimising content for your audience
Promoting business to increase sales
Advertising to cut competition
Reviewing the progress you have made
Infographic for quick reference
Use this infographic as a quick summary or use it as a sticky note on your cubical as a quick reference guide of what you should be doing in these seven days to solve the most crucial problems you face and grow your business.
Grow business in 7 days
Dos and Dont's:
The above process is the iteration. You can not just leave once implemented. It has to be optimised again and again based on the results you are getting and with the help of fundamental analysis tools suggested on day 7
1) Keep your social media pages, websites etc. with fresh and relevant contents. That's the only way you can maintain your audience base engaged.
2) SEO is a straightforward process. You need to keep two things in mind 1) you should have a well-defined USP for your niche, and have relevant contents explaining your niche in every possible customer touch base.
3) Not putting contents or just sharing random materials like season greeting, bluntly sharing offering or sales information alone
4) Paying inexperienced digital marketing agencies for creating fake reviews
5) building an audience irrelevant to your TG just for the shake having numbers.
6) Targeting lower part of the funnel only (focusing sales only instead of targeting the entire funnel) then you are restricting yourself
7) Don't fall prey for agencies who claim to make you number 1 in search results or rank for 5 or 6 particular keywords. There is no such thing.
We wish to congratulate you for this first step towards optimising your online presence with free, simple do it yourself processes, which will help you to increase sales and grow your business if implemented in its true spirit.
Posted By
T Ashokraj
Senior Consultant-Holistic Sales Solutions
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